If the absolute value of a number is equal to itself, then the number must be a positive number.

If the absolute value of a number is equal to itself, then the number must be a positive number.

If the absolute value of a number is equal to itself, then the number must be zero or positive, so the original proposition is wrong.
Therefore, the answer is ×.

If the square root of square-4 of a+ the absolute value of square-1 of b+c=0(abc is a non-negative number), find 2a-b-c=

Square root of a square-4+ absolute value of b square-1+ c=0
Since the root value and absolute value are greater than or equal to zero, c >=0, there are:
I.e. a = soil 2, b = soil 1, c =0
A=2, b=1, c=0,2a-b+c=3
A=2, b=-1, c=0,2a-b+c=5
A=-2, b=1, c=0,2a-b+c=-5
A=-2, b=-1, c=0,2a-b+c=-3