Fill in the brackets with the meaning of the word "quantity ". A: use objects to calculate the amount or length of things B: limit C: quantity D: estimate Capacity () Capacity of rice () Capacity of wine () Capacity of rice () Use a ruler to measure () gas volume () into () quality and ()

Fill in the brackets with the meaning of the word "quantity ". A: use objects to calculate the amount or length of things B: limit C: quantity D: estimate Capacity () Capacity of rice () Capacity of wine () Capacity of rice () Use a ruler to measure () gas volume () into () quality and ()

Capacity (D) Capacity of rice (A) Capacity of wine (B) Capacity of rice (B)
Measure (A) gas volume (B) into (D) mass and (C) with a ruler

Is the depth of the generalized table the number of brackets (open brackets + back brackets)/2? What is the length and depth of ((x,(a, b),(x,(a, b), y))? I'm counting six brackets. Why is the depth not 6 but 4?

The depth is the largest level of nested parentheses, so look at it this way:
((X,(a, b)),(( x,(a, b)), y))
1 2 3 21 2 3 4 3 2 1 0
As for length, it is the number of elements in the first layer, so it is 2
The first element is a sub-table (x,(a, b)) and the second element is a sub-table ((x,(a, b)), y)