Given x=3, the algebraic equation a is multiplied by the third power of x +bx+1=-2009, and the value of the algebraic equation x=-3 is obtained. Given x=3, the algebraic expression a is multiplied by the third power of x +bx+1=-2009, and the value of x=-3 is obtained.

Given x=3, the algebraic equation a is multiplied by the third power of x +bx+1=-2009, and the value of the algebraic equation x=-3 is obtained. Given x=3, the algebraic expression a is multiplied by the third power of x +bx+1=-2009, and the value of x=-3 is obtained.


Given that the value of the algebraic expression ax to the third power +bx+1 is -2009 when x =-1, what is the value of the algebraic expression ax to the third power +bx+1 when x =1 Given that the value of the cubic +bx+1 of the algebraic expression ax is -2009 when x =-1, what is the value of the cubic +bx+1 of the algebraic expression ax when x =1

When x=-1,
Original formula=-a-b+1=-2009
A+b =2010
When x =1,
Original formula=a+b+1=2010+1=2011

When x =-1,
Original formula=-a-b+1=-2009
A+b =2010
When x =1,
Original formula=a+b+1=2010+1=2011