When x=1, the cubic +bx+1 of algebraic expression ax equals to 2012; when x=-1, what is the cubic +bx+1 of algebraic expression ax equal to?

When x=1, the cubic +bx+1 of algebraic expression ax equals to 2012; when x=-1, what is the cubic +bx+1 of algebraic expression ax equal to?

When x =1, the cubic +bx+1 of the algebraic expression ax equals 2012
A+b =2011
When x =-1,
3Rd power of ax+bx+1

When x=1, the value of the algebraic +bx-6 of the algebraic expression ax is 10, and the value of the cubic +bx-2012 of the ax is obtained when x=-1. When x=1, the value of the algebraic +bx-6 of the algebraic expression ax is 10, and the value of the cubic +bx-2012 of the ax is obtained when x=-1 When x=1, the value of the cubic +bx-6 of the algebraic expression ax is 10, and the value of the cubic +bx-2012 of the ax is obtained when x=-1.

When x=1, the value of the cubic +bx-6 of the algebraic expression ax is 10
At x=-1
Cubic of ax +bx-2012