One third of the inverse of a number is minus 6, and the absolute value of its difference from another rational number is one. One third of the inverse of the number is minus six, and the absolute value of the difference between it and another rational number is one. One third of the inverse of a number is minus 6, and the absolute value of its difference from another rational number is one. One third of the inverse of a number is minus six, and the absolute value of the difference between it and another rational number is one.

One third of the inverse of a number is minus 6, and the absolute value of its difference from another rational number is one. One third of the inverse of the number is minus six, and the absolute value of the difference between it and another rational number is one. One third of the inverse of a number is minus 6, and the absolute value of its difference from another rational number is one. One third of the inverse of a number is minus six, and the absolute value of the difference between it and another rational number is one.

One third of the inverse of a number is minus six
So it's three times the inverse of minus 6, minus 18.
So it's -1/18.
The absolute value of its difference from another rational number is 1
If it is larger than another number, the other number is -1/18-1=-19/18
If it is smaller than another number, the other number is -1/18+1=17/18

One third of the inverse of a number is minus six
So three times the inverse of minus 6 is minus 18
So it's -1/18.
The absolute value of its difference from another rational number is 1
If it is larger than another number, the other number is -1/18-1=-19/18
If it is smaller than another number, the other number is -1/18+1=17/18

The following statement is incorrect:() The inverse of A-1 is 1 B-1 is the smallest rational C-1 is 1 D-1 and the inverse is -1 The following statement is incorrect:() The inverse of A-1 is 1 B-1 is the smallest rational C-1 has an absolute value of 1 D-1 and the inverse is -1