Heavy (weight of components) Two sentences

Heavy (weight of components) Two sentences

Hearing this news, my heart was heavy.
His luggage was heavy.
I don't know which sentence meets your requirements

At the news, my heart was heavy.
His luggage was heavy.
I don't know which one fits your requirements.

It is known that the product of three rational numbers abc is positive and their sum is negative when x = the absolute value of a + the absolute value of b + the absolute value of c Calculate the value of the 19th power of 2005x minus 2008x plus 2012

The product of three rational numbers abc is positive, their sum is negative, so abc has two negative numbers, one is positive number x=1-1-1=-12005x 19th power-2008x+2012=2005x (-1)19th power-2008x (-1)+2012=-2005+2008+2012=2005 mutual help