Square of a ×4th power of a +5th power of a × a -3rd power of a ×3rd power of a

Square of a ×4th power of a +5th power of a × a -3rd power of a ×3rd power of a

Square of a ×4th power of a +5th power of a × a -3rd power of a ×3rd power of a
=6Th power of a +6th power of a -6th power of a
=6Th power of a
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Given the square of 1+a+a=0, find the value of the third power of 1+a+a+4th power of a+5th power of a+6th power of a+7th power of a+8th power of a

If 1+a+a^2=0, then the above formula =0