Excuse me: Given that the two points M and N respectively represent rational numbers a and b on the number axis, you can explain the meaning of |3+6| on the number axis. If the number represented by the point P is x, when the point P is

Excuse me: Given that the two points M and N respectively represent rational numbers a and b on the number axis, you can explain the meaning of |3+6| on the number axis. If the number represented by the point P is x, when the point P is

I would like to ask: when the point P is on the number axis where:│x-a│+│x-b│ minimum value? !
│X-a│ represents the distance between x and a on the number axis;
Then │x-a│+│x-b│ represents the sum of the distances from P to point M and N on the number axis.
Therefore, when point P is on line segment MN, PM+PN=MN;
When the point P is not on the segment MN (i.e. on the extension of the segment MN or NM): PM+PN > MN.
Therefore, when the point P is on the line MN, the value of │x-a│+│x-b│ is the smallest, and the minimum value is │a-b│.

If the square of (a+1)│b-2006│=0, then the bth power of 2007-a = It's gon na be tonight.