Square of 102-- Square of 101+ Square of 100- Square of 99+ Square of 98- Square of 97.. Square of +2- Square of 1 is the remainder divided by 103 This is a factorization problem

Square of 102-- Square of 101+ Square of 100- Square of 99+ Square of 98- Square of 97.. Square of +2- Square of 1 is the remainder divided by 103 This is a factorization problem

A square-b square=(a+b)(a-b)
Sum by isodyne Sn=n (a1+an)/2
So it can be divided by 103, the rest is 0

Given S=12-22+32-42+...+992-1002+1012, the remainder of S divided by 103 is ______.

Original formula=12+(3+2)(3-2)+(5+4)(5-4)+...+(101+100)(101-100)
Because 5151
So the remainder of S divided by 103 is 1.
Therefore, the answer is:1.