The position of rational number abc on the number axis is shown in the figure. Please simplify -3|c 4|b 2|b-a| Figure - c -0- b - a And explain why The position of rational number abc on the number axis is shown in the figure. Please simplify -3|c 4|b 2|b-a| Figure - c -0- b - a And explain why it was done.

The position of rational number abc on the number axis is shown in the figure. Please simplify -3|c 4|b 2|b-a| Figure - c -0- b - a And explain why The position of rational number abc on the number axis is shown in the figure. Please simplify -3|c 4|b 2|b-a| Figure - c -0- b - a And explain why it was done.

According to the figure, C0, a > b

As shown in the figure, three points A, B, C on the number axis represent rational numbers a, b, c, respectively, and simplify |a-b|-|a+c||b-c|.

According to the number axis, c >0, a < b <0,
Thus a-b <0, a+c <0, b-c <0.

From the number axis, c >0, a < b <0,
Thus a-b <0, a+c <0, b-c <0.
The formula = b-a+a+c+c-b=2c.