What is the difference between quantity product and vector product? Does it matter?

What is the difference between quantity product and vector product? Does it matter?

Symbol size direction
Product of quantity:. Product of module length * cos (included angle) None
Vector product:* product of module length * sin (included angle) right-hand rule
Right hand rule: a*b direction is:
The right thumb is pointing a, the index finger is pointing b, and the middle finger is perpendicular to the plane of the thumb and index finger
The middle finger direction is the vector product direction

Symbol size direction
Product of quantity:. Product of module length * cos (included angle) None
Vector product:* product of module length * sin (included angle) right-hand rule
Right hand rule: a*b direction is:
The right thumb is pointing a, the index finger is pointing b, and the middle finger is perpendicular to the plane of the thumb and index finger
The direction of the middle finger is the vector product direction

If vectors a and b are not collinear, a.b=0, and c=a-[(a.a)/(b.b)].b, then is the angle between vectors a and c?

The angle between A and C is 90 degrees. The detailed steps are as follows,)
The question was wrong. It should be c=a-[(a.a)/(a.b)].b
Therefore, a.c.=a.a-[(a.a)/(a.b)] a.b.=a.a-a.a=0
So A and C were orthogonal, so the angle between A and C was 90 degrees.

The angle between a and c is 90 degrees. The detailed steps are as follows,)
The title is wrong. It should be c=a-[(a.a)/(a.b)].b
Thus a.c=a.a-[(a.a)/(a.b)] a.b=a.a-a.a=0
So a and c are orthogonal, so the angle between a and c is 90 degrees.

If the vectors a and b are not collinear, a·b=0, and c=a-(a·a)/(a·b) b, what is the included angle between vectors a and c Why is a*a-[(a*a)/(a*b)]*(a*b)=0 because it is not collinear? If vectors a and b are not collinear, a·b=0, and c=a-(a·a)/(a·b) b, then what is the angle between vectors a and c Why is a*a-[(a*a)/(a*b)]*(a*b)=0 because it is not collinear?

Yeah, yeah.


That's not right upstairs:
C=a-(a·a/a·b) b=a-(|^2/a·b) b, a·c=a·(a-(|^2/a·b) b)=|^2-(|^2/a·b) a·b=0
Therefore: a and c are perpendicular, i.e. the included angle between a and c:=π/2

What do we do with a known vector for a triangle area? Given vector OA=(2,3), OB=(3,-3), then the area of triangle OAB is? I saw someone else's formula. Cosθ=vector AB*vector OB/|vector AB vector OB| I don't know what that means. We did n' t learn about the relationship between vectors and triangulations. How to Solve the Vector Operation

Two vector point multiplication (not multiplication), their relationship is: vector AB * vector OB=| vector AB *|vector OB |* cosθ,θ refers to ∠AOB, this is vector operation, since it is a vector problem, there should be learning vector operation, if not that does not matter, vector operation is high school learning, you will learn sooner or later, such as...

How is the triangle area represented by the corresponding vector on both sides? Corresponding vectors are a vector and b vector respectively, explain the reason

Let the angle between the two vectors be θ.
A vector · b vector
Cos θ=------------------
| A vector | b vector |
Find sin θ=√(1-cosθ)2
√[| A vector |2 b vector |2-(a vector ·b vector)2]
= ---------------------------------------------
| A vector | b vector |
Triangle area S=|a vector b vector sinθ/2
√[| A vector |2 b vector |2-(a vector ·b vector)2]
= --------------------------------------------------