Proof of COS (3 π - α) = - sin α

Proof of COS (3 π - α) = - sin α

cos(3/2π-α)= cos[(π+(π/2-α)]=
When α is an acute angle, π + (π / 2 - α) is in the third quadrant
cos(3/2π-α)= cos[(π+(π/2-α)]= - cos(π/2-α)= -sinα

It is proved that sin (3 π / 2 - α) = - cos α


It is proved that: (1) (3 π / 2 - α) = - cos α (2) (3 π / 2 - α) = - sin α

The original title should be: (1) sin (3 π / 2 - α) = - cos α (2) cos (3 π / 2 - α) = - sin α! Prove: (1) left = sin (2 π - π / 2 - α) = sin (- π / 2 - α) = - sin (π / 2 + α) = - cos α = right, so the original equation is proved

The formula of sum and difference of two angles,

As shown above, this is a unit circle with radius of 1
AB^2=OA^2 + OB^2 - 2*OA * OB * cos(α-β) = 1 + 1 - 2*1*1*cos(α-β) = 2 - 2 *cos(α-β)
According to the Pythagorean theorem,
AB^2 = DE^2 + CF^2
         = (OD - OE)^2 + (OF + OC)^2
         = (OA * sinα - OB * sinβ) ^2 + (OB * cosβ - OA * cosα)^2
         = (sinα - sinβ) ^2 + (cosβ - cosα)^2
         = (sinα)^2 + (sinβ)^2 - 2*sinα*sinβ + (cosα)^2 + (cosβ)^2 - 2*cosα*cosβ
         = (sinα)^2 + (cosα)^2 + (sinβ)^2 + (cosβ)^2 - 2*sinα*sinβ - 2*cosα*cosβ
         = 1 + 1 - 2*sinα*sinβ - 2*cosα*cosβ
Combining these two formulas, we can get the following results:
2 - 2 *cos(α-β) = 2 - 2*sinα*sinβ - 2*cosα*cosβ
∴ cos(α-β) = cosα*cosβ + sinα*sinβ 
The cosine formula of the sum of two angles is as follows:
 cos(α+β) = cos(α - (-β))
                = cosα*cos(-β) + sinα*sin(-β)
∵ cos(-β) = cosβ,sin(-β) = - sinβ
∴ cos(α+β) = cosα*cosβ - sinα*sinβ 

Derivation of cosine formula of two angle difference

Vector method: take rectangular coordinate system, make unit circle, take a point a, connect OA, the angle with X axis is a, take a point B, connect ob, the angle with X axis is boa, the angle between B and ob is A-ba (COSA, Sina), B (CoSb, SINB) OA = (COSA, Sina) ob = (CoSb, SINB) OA * ob = (OA | ob | cos (a-b) = cosacosb + sinasinb

What is the formula of two angles and sine?


Double angle formula and its deformation formula in high school mathematics

(Note: Sina ^ 2 is the square of sina sin2 (a)
By comparing the above two formulas

Inflection point and concave convex interval of y = 2x ^ 2 / (1-x) ^ 2

Why is this not answered?
If you are a college student, this is done by using the first derivative and the second derivative
If you are a middle school student, do a transformation, change the 2x ^ 2 of the numerator into 2 (x-1) ^ 2-4 (1-x) + 2, and then do it after the numerator and denominator is reduced. In this way, there is no X in the numerator, but only in the denominator. The inflection point of the denominator is the inflection point of the whole y function. The increase and decrease of the denominator is opposite to that of the Y function, and the concave convex interval is obvious, Note that the denominator is meaningless when x = 1

Monotonicity and convexity of y = e ^ - 2x

Monotone reduction, concave function. Xiaoyueyueyou, learn mathematics well

The concave convex interval and inflection point of the function y = 2x / (x + 1) square are determined

From Y "= 0, x = 2,
When x > 2, Y "> 0 is a concave interval;