The area of an isosceles trapezoid is known to be 6.18.10 for the upper, lower, and waist

The area of an isosceles trapezoid is known to be 6.18.10 for the upper, lower, and waist

H 2 = 10 2 - [(18-6) / 2] 2 = 64
Height = 8
Area = 8 * (6 + 18) / 2 = 96

If the length of the upper bottom is 2, the length of the lower bottom is 10, and the height is 3, the waist length of the isosceles trapezoid is 3

The waist length is 5

It is known that one base angle of isosceles trapezoid is 60 ° and its two bases are 16 and 30 respectively They say the answer is 14


If the difference between the two bases of an isosceles trapezoid is equal to one waist length, the angle between its waist and the bottom is 60 degrees. Why? I see a way to make the height of CD, AE is perpendicular to CD and E, and then be = 1 / 2 AC, so ∠ CAE is equal to 30 ° and the remaining ∠ is 60 ° why ∠ ace is equal to 30?

In a right triangle, if the opposite side of an acute angle is equal to half of the hypotenuse, the angle is equal to 30 degrees

The circumference of an isosceles trapezoid is 30 cm. The waist and height are 5 cm and 3.6 cm respectively. Find out the area of this trapezoid

The area formula of trapezoid is: (bottom + bottom) × height △ 2
Top bottom + bottom bottom = 30-5-5 = 20cm
Area s = 20 × 3.6 △ 2 = 36cm

There is an isosceles trapezoid with a circumference of 30 cm, waist and height of 5 cm and 3.63 cm respectively. Find out the area of this trapezoid

Area = ((top bottom + bottom) * height) / 2

An isosceles trapezoid with a circumference of 30cm, a waist of 7cm in length and 5cm in height. The area of this trapezoid is ()

(30-7 × 2) × 5 △ 2 = 40 (square centimeter)

The circumference of an isosceles trapezoid is 26 cm, the waist length is 5 cm, and the height is 4 cm. What is the area of this isosceles trapezoid?

Because the circumference of the isosceles trapezoid is 26 cm and the waist length is 5 cm, the sum of the upper and lower bases is 16 cm,
So isosceles trapezoid area = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2 = 32 square centimeter

The circumference of a right angled trapezoid is 48 cm. The ratio of the sum of the two bottoms to the sum of the two waists is 2; 1. The ratio of one waist to the other is 3; 5. Find the area of the trapezoid

2 + 1 = the number of shares divided into 3 circumference
48 × 2 / 3 = 32 cm sum of two bottoms
48 × 1 / 3 = 16 cm sum of two waist
16 × 3 / (3 + 5) = 6 cm trapezoid height
32 × 6 △ 2 = 96 square centimeter trapezoid area

The circumference of a right angled trapezoid is 96cm. The ratio of the sum of two bottoms to the sum of two waists is 3:5. If one is 2 / 3 of the other waist, the area of this trapezoid is What's the square centimeter?

The sum of the two bottoms = 96-60 = 36
Right angle waist 60 * (2 / 5) = 24
Area = 36 * 24 / 2 = 432