What is Tan 135 degrees equal to

What is Tan 135 degrees equal to


0.125 = tan? It seems that I have learned it I didn't care. Now I forget

No calculator!
There is a formula
1 / 8 into 0.124 (unit radian)
124 * 180 / PI
7.125 (unit degree)

What is the angle of Tan = 0.25? How did you find out? Can you teach me? You can take Tan values of 3 degrees, 8 degrees, 15 degrees, and 25 degrees

A calculator will do
It's using the inverse trigonometric function

4923 is tan

26.21 degrees

Tan degree = 0.2

It's about 11.3 degrees
This needs to be precisely calculated with the arctangent function of a scientific calculator

0.8645 is tan What degree of Tan is equal to about 0.8645? Thank you so much. Why can't I find it? Where did you find it?

Tan 40.8434 degrees is about 0.8645

How many degrees is Tan equal to 0.732

Tan 36.2 ° is equal to 0.732

It is known that sin θ = - 3 / 5,3 π

3 pi

Which is the larger of Tan (- π / 5) or tan (3 π / 7)

Because TaNx increases monotonically at (- π / 2, π / 2), Tan (- π / 5) > Tan (3 π / 7)

Tan + 4 of Tan (Tan b) = 4 Help. Time is running out

Let a = α + π / 4, B = β - π / 4, and tanb = 1 / 4, then:
Let x = Tana
(x + 1 / 4) / (1-x / 4) = 2 / 5