The waist length of an isosceles right triangle is 2, the distance from the center of gravity of the triangle to the hypotenuse is () A. 2 Two Three B. Two Three C. 2 Three D. 1 Three

The waist length of an isosceles right triangle is 2, the distance from the center of gravity of the triangle to the hypotenuse is () A. 2 Two Three B. Two Three C. 2 Three D. 1 Three

As shown in the figure, according to the property of three lines in one, the center line CD on the bottom edge=
∵ the distance from the center of gravity of the triangle to the vertex of the triangle is equal to twice the distance from the midpoint,
The distance from the center of gravity to ab = 1 × 1
Therefore, D

The hypotenuse of isosceles right triangle is 1 meter. How much is the length of two waists?

If the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 1 m, the waist length is X
Then the Pythagorean theorem shows that x 2 + x 2 = 1
The solution x = root 2 / 2 ≈ 0.707 M

If the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 2, then the area of the triangle is? {Pythagorean theorem}

The area of this triangle is 2

The area of isosceles right triangle is 5, how much is waist length?

The waist length is a
S=1/2 *a*a=5
A = 10 A * a

The area of an isosceles right triangle is 1 8, then the waist length is () A. 1 Two B. 1 C. 1 Four D. Not sure

Let the waist length be X
Therefore, a

What is the maximum area of the waist length of the rectangle

Can you tell me how to find the width? I'm stupid! Can you explain it clearly? Answer: I'm sorry, my calculation is careless, the expression omits a half, the length and width are still so many, and the area is 1 / 4A ^ 2. What I asked is how to find the width answer: the length of the rectangle falls on the hypotenuse, which is part of the width and hypotenuse of the rectangle, Add that 45 degree angle to form a small isosceles right triangle. The width of the rectangle is equal to the length of this part of the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is root 2a, and the rest is root 2a-x. the remaining two parts are equal. Then divide by 2 and ask: Excuse me for the delay in something urgent, I have the last point (2a-x) / 2 multiplied by X should be like this! Then how to simplify the answer: This is not called simplification, called deformation, x into the root, into a quadratic function, into the vertex type, the maximum value at a glance. Add: welcome to join the mathematical exchange Qun, B wine 403 B zero bar

The waist length of an isosceles right triangle is 5 decimeters. What is its area?

1/2 * 5 *5 =12.5

With a 35cm long, 12cm wide rectangular paper cut into a waist is 2cm isosceles right triangle, how many can you cut at most?

208 cuboids are divided into two parts. One part is to cut 192 cuboids with a length of 32 and a width of 12. At this time, there is no waste of paper. The rest is a cuboid with a width of 3 and a length of 12. At this time, the bevel edge is placed on the width of the rectangle
12 is a little more than 4 times of 2. 4 × 4 = 16 pieces can be cut out, 208 pieces in total

Given that the base of an isosceles right triangle is 4, find the length of the center line on the waist Pythagorean theorem

If the triangle is ABC and ∠ C is a right angle, then the square of AC plus the square of BC is equal to the square of 4, AC = 2 √ 2 can be solved. If the central line of AC is BD, then CD = √ 2. In the triangle BCD, the square of BC and the square of CD are equal to the square of BD, then BD = √ 10 can be solved

We know that the base length of isosceles right triangle is 4. Find the length of the middle line on the waist

The bottom edge is the bevel
If the right angle side is a, then
ν a = 2 root numbers 2
The right triangle where the middle line of the waist is located. One right angle side is -- 2 root sign 2, and the other right angle side --- root 2
The result of Pythagorean theorem
Midline of waist: root (8 + 2) = root 10