What is the area of an isosceles right triangle whose longest side is 12 cm?

What is the area of an isosceles right triangle whose longest side is 12 cm?

Let the length of the right angle side of an isosceles right triangle be X. according to the Pythagorean theorem, it is obtained that:
X = 6 times root 2
The area of the triangle is 1 / 2 × 72 = 36

The longest side of an isosceles right triangle is 4cm. Find the area

Let X be X. according to Pythagorean theorem, then x ˆ 2 + X ˆ 2 = 16, X is equal to 2 times the root sign 2
The area is equal to 2 times root 2 times 2 times root 2 times 1 / 2, and finally 4

The waist length of the isosceles right triangle vegetable field is 20 meters. How many square centimeters is its area

The hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is the diagonal of a square whose side length is equal to the waist length of the isosceles triangle
The area is half the square
Square area = 20x20 = 400 (M2)
Then the triangle area = 400 / 2 = 200 (square meters)

The waist length of an isosceles right triangle is 5 meters and its area is

the measure of area
= 12.5 (M2)

In the quarter circle, draw the largest isosceles right triangle. The area of the isosceles right triangle is 10 square centimeters. What is the area of the colored part Give me a reply in 30 minutes! All right!

User655, see the picture
Because the triangle area = R × R △ 2 = R & sup2; △ 2 = 10 square centimeter
So: R & sup2; = 10 × 2 = 20
The area of the quarter circle is 3.14 × R & sup2; △ 4 = 3.14 × 20 △ 4 = 15.7 square centimeter
Painted area = 15.7-10 = 5.7 square cm

An isosceles right triangle with a waist length of 5 meters and an area of ()

You are too awesome.
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What grade are you in?

The area of a right triangle is 12 square centimeters, and one right angle side is 3 centimeters. What is the area of the circle drawn with the other right angle side as the diameter?

12 × 2 △ 3 = 8 (CM)
=50.24 (square centimeter)
A: the area of this circle is 50.24 square centimeters

What's the length of a right angle triangle of 40 cm? Is the length of one side of a right angle triangle?

The triangle area formula s = ah divided by 2, one side knows it is its bottom, the other is its height. Divide 40 by 10 and multiply by 2. If you don't understand, take a look at the triangle ruler

How to find the area of an isosceles right triangle when its length is known An isosceles right triangle is known to be 65cm in length. How to find its area? It's the length of the edge

= =
You want to say the length of the opposite side of an angle,
Please discuss by category
One is the length of the edge to which the vertex of an isosceles right triangle is 65 cm
So you can work out the length of two waists
If the length of the side opposite the base corner is 65 cm,
The length of two right angle sides is 65cm,
Then calculate the area

For an isosceles right triangle, the sum of the lengths of the two right sides is 18cm. What is its area?

Right angle side = 18 △ 2 = 9 cm
Area = 9 × 9 × 1 / 2 = 40.5 square centimeter