What is the shape of a right triangle with three centimeters, four centimeters and five centimeters around one of its right angles? What is the height? What is the perimeter of the bottom?

What is the shape of a right triangle with three centimeters, four centimeters and five centimeters around one of its right angles? What is the height? What is the perimeter of the bottom?

What you get is a cone
There are two cases: (1) rotating with a right angle of 3cm
It is 3 cm in height and 8 π cm in circumference,
(2) Rotate at 4cm right angle:
When the height is 4 cm, the circumference of the bottom surface is 6 π cm

Take one of the right triangle's () as the axis and rotate it for one circle to get the figure () and the other right angle is its bottom surface ()

Take one (right side) of a right triangle as its axis, rotate it for one cycle to get the figure (cone), and the other right angle is its bottom surface (radius)

A right triangle with two right sides of 4cm and 6cm respectively. How many centimeters is its volume when it rotates around the axis of the short right angle side?


The three sides of a right triangle are 5, 4, and 3 decimeters. A cone can be obtained by rotating it around the right angle How many different cones are there? What are the diameters and heights of the bottom surfaces? Please draw a sketch below

(1) Take the right angle side 4 decimeter as the axis, 3 decimeter as the cone bottom radius, and the diameter is 6 decimeter
(2) Take the right angle side 3 decimeter as the axis, 4 decimeter as the cone bottom radius, and the diameter is 8 decimeter

The sides of a right triangle are 3 decimeters and 4 decimeters long. They rotate around the right angle sides respectively to get a cone. What is the difference in the volume of the cones?

=12.56 (cubic decimeter)

Take one right angle side of a right triangle as the axis and rotate for a circle to form a cone with a radius of 3 decimeters and a volume of 94.2 cubic decimeters. The area of the right triangle is What is the area of a right triangle

The height of the cone is the height of the triangle
Base area: 3 × 3 × 3.14 = 28.26
Height: 94.2 × 3 △ 28.26 = 10 decimeters
The area of the triangle is 3 × 10 △ 2 = 15 square decimeters

Given that the lengths of the two right sides of a right triangle are 3 and 4 respectively, the total area of the cone is obtained by rotating the line with its right angle sides as the axis______ .

∵ the lengths of the two right sides of a right triangle are 3 and 4 respectively,
The slope length is 5
The results show that the surface area of the cone is π × 42 + 2 π × 4 × 5 △ 2 = 36 π;
The surface area of the cone is π × 32 + 2 π × 3 × 5 ÷ 2 = 24 π when rotating on axis 4

A right triangle, with two right sides of 3cm and 4cm respectively, rotates around the axis of the long right angle to get a cone, the body of the cone

The volume of the cone is 37.68 cubic centimeters

The two right sides of a right triangle are 3cm and 6cm respectively. If you rotate one right angle side as the axis, what body is drawn? Volume? Make it clear

Cone 18 Π or 36 Π
Because no matter how you draw it, it will only be a vertex and a circle, so it can only be a cone
When the axis of rotation is 3cm, the radius of the bottom circle is 6cm, so the volume is (6's Square * Π * 3) / 3 = 36 Π, otherwise (3's Square * Π * 6) / 3 = 18 Π

The three sides of a right triangle are 3cm, 4cm and 5cm respectively. What figure can be obtained by rotating one right angle side of it as the axis? What is the smallest volume? What is the largest volume?

(1) a cone with a base radius of 3 cm and a height of 4 cm is obtained by rotating the right angle side of 4 cm along the axis; the volume is 13 × 3.14 × 32 × 4, = 13 × 3.14 × 9 × 4, = 37.68 (cubic centimeter); (2) rotating the right angle side of 3 cm as the axis, the result is a cone with a bottom radius of 4 cm and a height of 3 cm