A right triangle, the length of the two right sides are 5cm and 3cm respectively. Rotate one of the right angles as the axis to get the number of the cones

A right triangle, the length of the two right sides are 5cm and 3cm respectively. Rotate one of the right angles as the axis to get the number of the cones

The volume of the cone is 1 / 3 × 3.14 × 5 × 5 × 3 = 78.5 cubic centimeter with the axis of 5cm
The volume of the cone is 1 / 3 × 3.14 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 47.1 cubic centimeter when rotating about 3cm

A right triangle with two right sides of 3cm and 4cm respectively. Rotate it around the 4cm side to get a cone, What cubic centimeter is the volume of this cone?

The height of the cone is 4cm and the radius of its base is 3cm
The volume of the cone is 1 / 3 x 3.14 x 3 2 x 4 = 37.68 cubic centimeter

A right triangle with two right sides of 3cm and 4cm respectively. Rotate it around 4cm side to get a cone. This Is the volume of this cylinder all square centimeters?

According to the title: the height of the cone is 4cm, and the radius of the base of the cone is 3cm
V = 1 / 3 * π R ^ 2H = 1 / 3 * π × 9 × 4 = 12 π = 37.68 (CM) ^ 3

For a right triangle, the length of the two right sides is 5cm and 3cm respectively. How many cubic centimeters is the cone obtained by rotating one of the right sides as the axis?


Rotating a right angle side of a right triangle for one revolution produces a cone______ Judge right from wrong

According to the characteristics of the cone, a right triangle rotates around a right angle side to get a cone;
So the answer is: √

1. The two right sides of a right triangle are 4cm and 6cm respectively, which are rotated around the axis of the longer right angle side How many cubic centimetres is the volume of a solid figure?

It is a cone. Height = 6 cm, bottom radius = 4 cm
Bottom area = 3.14 × 4? 2 = 50.24 (square centimeter)
Volume = 1 / 3 × 50.24 × 6 = 100.48 (cubic centimeter)

1. A right triangle with two right angles of 3cm 4m and a hypotenuse of 5cm. Turn some of the triangles into axes and rotate them for one cycle to get a three-dimensional figure. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of this figure? 2. Cut a 31.4 decimeter circular cone timber vertically along the bottom diameter, and increase the surface area by 30 square centimeters. What is the volume of the cone? 3. The volume difference between the two cubes is 2400 cm3. If the largest cone is machined from one side of the cube, what is the volume difference between the two cones? 4. The side expansion of a cylinder is a square, and the ratio of the diameter and height of the bottom surface of the cylinder is () 5. How many square centimetres of iron sheet are left after cutting the most cylinder oil barrel from the rectangular sheet of iron 130 cm long and 60 cm wide? 6. When a cube is cut into a largest cylinder, the volume becomes 9.24 cubic centimeter. How many cubic centimeters is the original cube volume?

1) Rotate with axis 3 (1 / 3 * 4 * 4 * 3 = 16)
2) : rotate with axis 4 (1 / 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 = 12)
3) Rotate with 5 as the axis (1 / 3 * 2.4 * 2.4 * 5 = 10) 2.4 is the height of the triangle with 5 as its base
2: From perimeter = 2 * 3.14 * D, d = 50
There is something wrong with the title of the fifth question, which is not explained clearly
6: The volume becomes 9.24? Is it the remaining 9.24 or is the volume of the cylinder 9.24
If the volume of the cylinder is 9.24 (x / 2) * (x / 2) * x * 3.14 = 9.24
If there is 9.24 left, the method is almost the same, v = 42.78

A right triangle with two right sides of 3cm and 6cm respectively, rotating around the axis of the short right angle side, ① You can get one___ Body ② Its volume is___ Cubic centimeter A. Cylinder B. rectangle C. cone D. square e.54 π f.108 π g.18 π h.36 π

When a right triangle is rotated around a right angle side of 3cm, a cone with a base radius of 6cm and a height of 3cm is obtained;
The volume of this cone is:
=36 π (cubic centimeter);
So we can get a cone with a volume of 36 π cm3
Therefore, C, H

Right triangle ABC, angle c = 90 °, angle a = 60 °, opposite side / hypotenuse of angle a =? thx·· I just learned the trigonometric function of acute angle, but I can't understand the symbol. Can you say it step by step

Root 3 divided by 2
It's sin 60 degrees
Or the height on the bevel is CD
So we have the following equations
The final result is more troublesome

If a right triangle has an angle of 30 degrees, what is the relationship between its sides

Theorem: the right angle of 30 degrees is half of the hypotenuse