A right triangle is known to have an acute angle of 30 degrees, but also know the length of an edge? Is there a formula

A right triangle is known to have an acute angle of 30 degrees, but also know the length of an edge? Is there a formula

The 30 degree angle of a right triangle corresponds to a right side length of half the length of the hypotenuse
According to the Pythagorean theorem, the right angle side corresponding to 60 degree angle is three times the root sign of the right angle side length corresponding to 30 degree angle
So if you know the right angle a for a 30 degree angle, then the hypotenuse is 2A
If you know the right angle a for a 60 degree angle, then the hypotenuse is 2 √ 3A / 3

For a right triangle, the acute angle a is 30 degrees larger than the acute angle B. what are the angles a and B respectively?


"A right triangle with a right angle half the length of the hypotenuse" is "a right triangle with an acute angle of 30 degrees"_____ condition Fill in the horizontal line, necessary, sufficient and necessary

Necessary and sufficient conditions

Given one side and two angle degrees of a right triangle, find the length of the other side, the length of the right angle side is 144, and the acute angle is 0.25 degrees The right angle side length is 144, the minimum acute angle is 0.25 degrees. Find the shortest side length and oblique side length. It is best to send the calculation method and results to me. What I learned in school has been returned to the teacher!

The shortest side length a = 144tan0.25 degrees
The shortest side length C = 144 / cos0.25 °

Right triangle. The degree of one acute triangle is 9 degrees less than that of another. What is the degree of these two acute angles

Small = (90 + 9) / (1 + 2) = 33 degrees
Large = 90-33 = 57 degrees

One acute angle of a right triangle is 25 degrees and the other acute angle is______ Degree

=65 (degrees)
Another acute angle is 65 degrees
So the answer is: 65

A right triangle, an angle, the opposite side of which is half of the hypotenuse. Is this angle 30 degrees? If a triangle, it has If the opposite side of an angle is half of the hypotenuse, must the angle be 30 degrees?

A right triangle, an angle, its opposite side is half of the hypotenuse, this angle must be 30 degrees, the proof method is to remove the midpoint of the hypotenuse, and then join the line, it can be proved. But if a triangle, one of its angles is opposite to the half of the hypotenuse, then the angle is not necessarily 30 degrees, the proof method is the same as the previous one

What is the solid figure of a right triangle rotating around one side

Get a cone around a right angle side
Around the oblique edge, two cone aggregates with the same bottom and opposite top direction are obtained

Rotate a right triangle with 2cm and 3cm right angles around one of its right angles. What is the volume of the solid figure [Pi is about 3]

When you rotate around the right angle of 3cm
When we rotate around the right angle of 2cm
The volume of the cone is three times the base area times the height

A right triangle is rotated around its longer right angle side to get a solid figure. What's the volume of this solid figure The three sides are, 5, 4, 3
