The area of the blank triangle in parallelogram is 18 square centimeter and 24 square centimeter respectively

The area of the blank triangle in parallelogram is 18 square centimeter and 24 square centimeter respectively

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The ratio of trapezoid top to bottom is 2:3. The area of shadow triangle is 18 square centimeter. The area of blank triangle is ______ Square centimeter

Because the ratio of the area of the shadow triangle to the area of the blank triangle is equal to the ratio of the bottom,
That is, the area of shadow triangle and blank triangle is 2
So the area of the blank triangle is 18 △ 2
3 = 27 (square centimeter);
So the answer is: 27

The ratio of trapezoid top to bottom is 2:3. The area of shadow triangle is 18 square centimeter. The area of blank triangle is ______ Square centimeter

Because the ratio of the area of the shadow triangle to the area of the blank triangle is equal to the ratio of the bottom,
That is, the area of shadow triangle and blank triangle is 2
So the area of the blank triangle is 18 △ 2
3 = 27 (square centimeter);
So the answer is: 27

The ratio of trapezoid top to bottom is 2:3. The area of shadow triangle is 18 square centimeter. The area of blank triangle is ______ Square centimeter

Because the ratio of the area of the shadow triangle to the area of the blank triangle is equal to the ratio of the bottom,
That is, the area of shadow triangle and blank triangle is 2
So the area of the blank triangle is 18 △ 2
3 = 27 (square centimeter);
So the answer is: 27

There is a triangular iron sheet with an area of three seventh square meters and a bottom of three fourths. How many meters is his height,

Triangle area formula = base times height times half
Set the height to X

The bottom of a triangular iron sheet is 16 meters and 6 meters high. If this piece of iron sheet is worth 864 yuan, what is the average value of iron sheet per square meter


The bottom of the first piece is 0.5 meters long and 0.3 meters high; the bottom of the second piece is 0.75 meters. What is the height of the second piece? As in the title,

Height: 0.5x0.3 / 0.75 = 0.2m

The area of a triangle is four fifths square meters. Given that its base is twelve fifths of a meter, how many meters is its height?

4 / 5 × 2 △ 12 / 5 = 2 / 3 (m)

The area of a triangle is 4 and 5 / 4 square meters, the bottom is 3.2 meters, and how many meters is the height? Use the equation to solve. The solution is right. I give high marks

Let the height of the triangle be x M
X = 3M

The area of a triangle is three eighths square meters, and its bottom is three fifths of a meter long. How many meters is it high?

Height = 3 / 8 × 2 △ 3 / 5 = 5 / 4m