The bottom of a triangle chicken fence is three fifths of a meter, and its height is four fifths of a meter. How many square meters does this chicken fence cover?

The bottom of a triangle chicken fence is three fifths of a meter, and its height is four fifths of a meter. How many square meters does this chicken fence cover?

3 / 5 × 4 / 5 △ 2 = 6 / 25 (square meter) triangle area = bottom × height △ 2
A: this chicken fence covers an area of 6 / 25 square meters

The area of a triangle is 3 / 8 square meters, the bottom is 4 / 5 meters, and how many meters is the height?

3 × 2 △ 4 of 5 = 15 of 16

The bottom of a triangle is 5 meters long. If the bottom is extended by 1 meter, the area will be increased by 1.5 square meters______ Square meters

1.5 × 2 △ 1 = 3 (m)
5 × 3 △ 2 = 7.5 (M2)
Answer: the original triangle area is 7.5 square meters
So the answer is: 7.5

The base of a triangle is 6 meters long. If the base is extended by 1 meter, the area will be increased by 2 square meters To calculate

As can be seen from the meaning of the title, the height is always unchanged, and is set as H
Area = 1 / 2 * 6 * 4 = 12

The area of the triangle is 42 square decimeters, the low is 12 square decimeters, what is the height As the title!


The area of a triangle is 42 square decimeters, the bottom is 14 decimeters, how many decimeters high?


The area is 9 square meters, the height is 18 decimeters, what is the bottom

Triangle: 9x2 / 18 = 1 decimeter. Rectangle or parallelogram: 9 / 18 = 0.5 decimeter

The hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle is 18 cm long and its area is () square decimeters

1 / 2 * 18 * 9 = 81 square centimeter = 0.81 square decimeter

It's 12 meters square. It's the base of the triangle______ Decimeter

=7 (decimeter);
A: the height of this triangle is 7 decimeters
So the answer is: 7

The bottom of a triangle is nine decimeters. Its area is 54 square decimeters. How many minutes is its height

The height of the triangle = area △ bottom × 2 = 54 △ 9 × 2 = 12 decimeters
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