An isosceles right triangle flower bed, a right angle side of the triangle is 14 meters long. What is the area of this triangle flower bed

An isosceles right triangle flower bed, a right angle side of the triangle is 14 meters long. What is the area of this triangle flower bed

Because it's an isosceles right triangle
So s = 1 / 2 bottom * high

A circular flower bed. The chrysanthemum planting part of the flower bed is an isosceles right triangle with an area of 5 square meters. What is the area of this flower bed

If it is, you can directly calculate the radius square of the circle. 5 × 2 = 10 square meters. The square of radius is 3.14 × 10 = 31.4 square meters. The area of this flower bed is 31.4 square meters

There is a flower bed composed of 8 isosceles right triangles. The waist of each triangle is 8 meters. Find the area of the flower bed

The flower bed is composed of eight isosceles right angle triangles, each triangle's center angle is 360 degrees / 8 = 45 degrees, waist is 8m, then s = 1 / 2bcsina, that is, s = 1 / 2 * 8 * 8 * sin45 degrees = 16 * root number 2
Eight is 16 times root number 2 * 8 = 128 times root number 2
Unit not easy to play (square meter)

If the bottom of a right triangle flower bed is increased by 2 meters, the height remains unchanged, and the area is increased by 4 square meters; if the bottom is not changed, the height is reduced by 1 meter, the area is reduced by 3 square meters?

Height: 4 × 2 △ 2 = 4 (m)
The bottom is: 3 × 2 △ 1 = 6 (m)
Area: 6 × 4 △ 2 = 12 (M2)

The perimeter of a square flower bed is 4.8 meters, and the bottom edge of a triangle equal to the square flower bed is 1.2 meters long. What is the height?

Side length of square: 4.8 △ 4 = 1.2 (m),
=2.4 (m),
A: the height is 2.4 meters

The length of the bottom edge of a triangle is 15 meters, and the ratio of the height of the bottom edge to the length of the bottom is 2:3. What is the area of the triangle

Height = 15 △ 3 × 2 = 10m
Area = 15 × 10 × 1 / 2 = 75 square meters

A triangle with three sides of 13m, 14m and 15m respectively. Find the area of the triangle

If a, B, C and half circumference P of a triangle are known, then s = under the root sign [P (P-A) (P-B) (P-C)] (Helen's formula) (P = (a + B + C) / 2). The formula introduced is s = 84

Given that the length of three sides of a triangle is 5,6,7, find the area of the triangle

Half circumference s = 9,
The area of triangle = √ (9 * 4 * 3 * 2) = 6 √ 6 (Qin Jiushao hailun formula)

The triangle ABC is an open space. The three sides are ab = 13m, BC = 14m, AC = 15m. Calculate the area of the triangle Speed point answer Satisfaction + 25

The center distance is (13 + 14-15) / 2 = 6
Area of triangle = (13 + 14 + 15) * 6 / 2 = 126

Known triangle ABC three side length is 13.14.15, triangle area is how many urgent use Pythagorean theorem to do!

13 and 14 are right angles, so: s triangle ABC = 13x14 △ 2 = 91,