Fill in the numbers

Fill in the numbers

It's not right upstairs. You can't make item 4 "3" according to your rules
The nth number is equal to the sum of the N-1 number and the n-3 number. Of course, n ≥ 4
So the last two numbers are 4 + 9 = 13 6 + 13 = 19

Fill in the numbers 2,1,4,3,6,9,8,27 () () and fill in the numbers

2,1,4,3,6,9,8,27(10) (81)
Rule: odd number is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Even numbers are 1, 3, 9, 27, 81
If you do not understand, please hi me, I wish you a happy study!

Fill in 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 32, 27, 128, (), ()


The sixth grade students donated money to the children in Yushu disaster area. Class 61 donated 500 yuan, class 62 donated four fifths of class 61, and class 63 donated six Class 6 donated 500 yuan to the children in Yushu disaster area. Class 61 donated 500 yuan, class 62 donated 4 / 5 of class 61 and class 63 contributed 9 / 8 of class 62. How much did class 63 donate? (1 / 4) 2. For a batch of goods, the truck can carry one eighth of it at a time. How much of it has been transported five times? How many tons of goods have been shipped? 3. The flour processing plant plans to process 2400 tons of flour in the whole month (2 / 4). In fact, 7 / 12 of the plan will be completed in half a month. In the second half of the month, as much as in the first half of the month, will be produced. How many tons are actually over produced? 4. There are two piles of cement. The first pile has 7 / 2 tons, and the second pile (3 / 4) is three-quarters more than the second half of the first pile. How many tons of cement are there in two piles? 5. In order to create a civilized and healthy city, about half of the road of Zhongshan East Road needs to be reconstructed. Engineering team

Those who ask for the volume of class 63 require that four fifths of class 62 and class 61 be reserved, and multiply four fifths of class 61 to 500 * 4 / 5, and then multiply the number by 9 / 8
500 * 4 / 5 = 400 yuan
400 * 9 / 8 = 450 yuan
A: class 63 donated 450 yuan

The sixth grade students donated 500 yuan to the children in the disaster area. Class two donated 1 / 5 more than Class 1. How much did class 2 donate?

$500 + 1 class

The sixth grade students donated 1000 yuan to the children in the disaster area. Class 61 donated 1000 yuan, class 62 donated more than 4 / 5 of class 61, and class 63 donated 9 / 8 of class 62 How much did class six and three donate?

Amount of money donated by class 62: 1000 × 4 / 5 = 800 yuan
Amount of money donated by class 63: 800 × 9 / 8 = 900 (yuan)
Comprehensive type:
=900 yuan

The donation of class 1 in Grade 6 accounts for more than 40% of the total donation of the whole class, and the donation amount of boys is 2 / 3 of that of girls. How much does this class contribute to the disaster area To calculate Urgent, urgent, urgent One class

If the donation of the whole class is more than 2x / 40 yuan, the boys can only donate 2 x yuan / 40 yuan to the whole class

The amount of money donated by class 6 (1) to the hope project accounts for one third of that of grade 6, and that of grade 6 accounts for one fourth of that of the whole school. The total donation of the whole school is 2400 yuan. How much money does class 6 (1) donate? Use two methods to calculate?

1. Step by step, calculate the donation amount of grade 6 2400x1 / 4 = 600 yuan, and the donation amount of class 1 of grade 6 = 600 yuan / 3 = 200 yuan
2. As a whole, the proportion of the first class of grade six in the whole school is 1 / 3x1 / 4 = 1 / 12, and the number of students in the whole school is 2400x1 / 12 = 200 yuan

Three classes of grade six donated money to the disaster area. The number of donations from class 6 (1) was 2 / 3 for class 6 (2) and class 6 (3), Class 6 (2) has contributed 3 / 5 of the total amount of donation from class 6 (1) and class 6 (3). It is known that class 6 (3) has donated 1800 yuan. How much should the three classes contribute in total?

Contribution of 1 class: 2 / (3 + 2) = 2 / 5
Contribution of 2 classes: 3 / (5 + 3) = 3 / 8
So the contribution of three classes accounts for 1-2 / 5-3 / 8 = 9 / 40
The total amount of donation is: 1800 × (9 / 40) = 8000 yuan
A: Class Three donated 8000 yuan
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The sixth grade students donated 3000 yuan to the children in the Wenchuan earthquake stricken area. The ratio of the fifth grade to the sixth grade is 4; the fifth grade is one sixth less than the fourth grade How much is the fifth grade donation? How much is the fourth grade donation? 6 / 7 of the number of female employees in a factory is exactly 3 / 4 of the number of male employees. There are 24 male employees and how many female employees are there Woo woo woo please speed

Let's say 7 / 6 of female employees x = 24 times 3 / 4 (you have a problem with the data) grade 5: 3000x 4 / 5 = 2400 yuan; grade 4: 2400 divided by (1-1 / 6) = 2880 yuan