Find the rule: 1 / 8 / 1 / 27 / 1 / 64 () () 1 / 343 () What percentage is in brackets? Thank you

Find the rule: 1 / 8 / 1 / 27 / 1 / 64 () () 1 / 343 () What percentage is in brackets? Thank you

The denominator is n to the third power

Find the rule 1,8,27,64125216343

Next 8 ^ 3 = 512

Why should we find the law

1,8,27,64,( 125)216,343.

Fill in the number according to the rule: (1)0,1,2,3,______ ,______ . (2)1,1,2,3,______ ,______ . (3)1,4,9,16,______ ,______ . (4)1,8,27,64,______ ,______ .

So 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8;
So 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36;
So 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216;
So the answer is: 4, 5; 5, 8; 25, 36; 125216

The height of each floor of a building is the same. The height of the lower three floors is 8.4 meters, and there are seven floors above. How high is the building? To solve the equation in proportion! I mean to solve the equation in proportion. Directly solve the solution proportion of the building with the height of X meters

The proportion formula 8.4:3 = x: (3 + 7) is listed
X = 2.8 * 10 = 280m

Fill in the appropriate fraction in brackets. 12 ha = () km2, 24 min = () when 280 kg = () t It's the score

12 ha = (3 / 25) sq km
24 points = (2 / 5)
280 kg = (7 / 25) tons

Put the unit in brackets Half of a rope is used

I think it should be in length units

My daughter's third grade math problem baffled me. 1 () - 1 () = 900 () brackets filled with length or area units

1-1 decimeter = 900 mm

Team a and team B cooperate on a project, and the cooperation takes six days to complete three fifths of the project. It is known that the work efficiency of team a and team B is 6 to 5. It takes several days for Party B to complete the project alone

If Party A and Party B complete 3 / 5 of this work in 6 days, then the working efficiency of Party A and Party B cooperation is 3 / 5 △ 6 = 1 / 10
The working efficiency of B is 1 / 10 × 5 / 6 + 5) = 1 / 10 × 5 / 11 = 1 / 22
The time for B to complete this work alone is 1 × (1 / 22) = 22 days

The number of students in the first and second teams of the sixth grade class is 23, and that of the second, third and fourth teams is 31. The second team accounts for one fifth of the class. How many people are there in the whole class?

There are X students in the whole class;
The number of the second team is (1 / 5) X
If the number of the first and second teams is 23, then the number of the first team is 23 - (1 / 5) X
If the number of the second, third and fourth teams is 31, then the number of them plus the number of the first team should be equal to the number of the whole class: x = 31 + 23 - (1 / 5) X
x = 45