1, 4, 9, 16, 25, find the rules and fill in the blanks Behind it is——

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, find the rules and fill in the blanks Behind it is——

The square of 1, the square of 2, the square of 3, the square of 4, the square of 5 What's the next one?

Find the rules of mathematical problems 1,5,8,11, (), ()

If you can't find a rule, you can give this column a rule, starting from the first item, then add a 1, three 3, and five 5, so the following numbers can be 1, 5, 8, 11, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 46

Find the rule 5,11,5,10, (), 1, () 5,14,1 It's better to explain how and what the law is Little brother, thank you for your math talent!


Find the rule 3 / 4, 1, 4 / 3, (), 256 / 81, and fill in a 5 / 3 B 8 / 9 C 16 / 9 D1 according to the law

Select c
The latter is equal to the former multiplied by 4 / 3

1/4 1/16 1/36 ( ) ( )

I don't understand. Please write the meaning of the topic clearly

(-1*1/2) (-1/2*1/3) (-1/3*1/4) .(-1/2009*1/2010) (-1/2010*1/2011)

(-1*1/2) (-1/2*1/3) (-1/3*1/4) .(-1/2009*1/2010) (-1/2010*1/2011)
Because the number of factors is even, the product is positive
=(1*1/2) (1/2*1/3) (1/3*1/4) .(1/2009*1/2010) (1/2010*1/2011)
= 1-1/2+1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+…… +1/2010-1/2011】
= 1-1/2011
= 2010/2011

A mathematical problem of finding the law of difficulty in junior high school A set of data three fourths two eighths five fifths find the nth number from left to right

The original data can be written as 2 / 2, 3 / 4, 4 / 6, 5 / 8, 6 / 10, which is (n + 1) / 2n

1+ 1/1+2 +1/1+2+3 +...+1/1+2+3+...100

The reciprocal sum of the sum of arithmetic sequence
The sum formula of the first n terms of the arithmetic sequence: n) = n * a (1) + n * (n-1) * D / 2 or s (n) = n * (a (1) + a (n)) / 2
1+ 1/1+2 +1/1+2+3 +...+1/1+2+3+...100
=1+2/(1+2)×2 + 2/(1+3)×3+…… +2/(1+100)×100
=2×(1/1*2 + 1/2*3 + 1/3*4+…… +1/100*101)
=2×(1-1/2+1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+…… +1/100-1/101)

A junior high school to find the law of the mathematical problem, urgent >_ 1 4 → 5 8 → 9 12 ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ 2 →3 6 → 7 10→11 And the reason, thank you. -

The answer is d. here I omit the word "arrow" and just write down the arrow which represents four directions
1 down 2 right 3 up 4 right 5 down 6 right 7 up 8 right It can be seen here that the arrows after 1 and 5 are down, 2 and 6 are right, 3 and 7 are up, 4 and 8 or right, and the same is true in descending order. That is to say, a group of 4 arrows circulates by pressing right up and right. In 2008, it is exactly 502 groups, the last one in a group, the last number in a group is followed by right, and then it is down, so the answer is d

A math problem of finding rules in junior high school According to the law of the following numbers, fill in the last three numbers -1/2·1/6·-1/12·1/20·-1/30·___ ___ ___ I can't express mathematical symbols. These scores are negative, positive, negative, positive and negative. The numerator is 1. I can't think of anything in common when I think left and right. In a word, find the answer and reason

1/42 -1/56 1/72
The denominators of these are 1 * 3 * 6 * 7
The molecules are - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11