There is a regular set of numbers - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16 What's the number of 2011

There is a regular set of numbers - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16 What's the number of 2011

The quotient of any number with the preceding number is - 2

A mathematical problem: 0,3,8,15,24_ , , ,```,__ (2002)__ Fill in the blanks together


A math problem, find the rule and fill in the blank Find the rules and fill in the blanks: 1, 2 / 5, 3 / 25, 4 / 75, ()


Find the rules and fill in the blanks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 7, 48, () Find the rules and fill in the blanks: 12,18,15,16,18,14, () What is the law of production description The title is wrong. The content of the question shall prevail

The method of the two questions is the same
It's all about finding rules by even and odd terms
The odd number term satisfies a law
Even number term satisfies a law
It's easy to find
The title is correct!
My answer is right! I'm sure!

Find the rules and fill in the blanks, 1. 1 / 4, 3 / 6, 5 / 8, (), 9 / 12, () 2. Two thirds, three fifths, five eighties, (), ()

Seven tenths eleven fourths
8 / 12 / 17

() + 9 = () * 9 the same number should be filled in brackets


It is known that the side length of quadrilateral ABCD is a, B, C, D, and satisfies that the fourth power of a + the fourth power of B + the fourth power of C + the fourth power of D = 4abcd, try to determine the shape of quadrilateral ABCD?

If you are in the second year of junior high school, you should know this formula
The square of (a-b) > = 0
A square + b square - 2Ab > = 0
A square + b square > = 2Ab
Observe when to take the equal sign. When a = B, take the equal sign for all three formulas
(the fourth power of a + the fourth power of B) + (the fourth power of C + the fourth power of D)
>=2A square b square + 2C Square D square
>=2 [a square b square + C Square D square]
>=2 [2abcd] they take the equal sign only when a = b = C = D

1. For a right triangle, the length of its hypotenuse is 4cm, and the difference between the two right sides is 4cm 2. The equation AX ^ 2 + BX + C = 0, when a ≠ 0, B ^ 2-4ac is greater than or equal to 0, the root is____ . 3. Compare root 3 + root 5 with root 3 * root 5, The third question is about size.

Square comparison
Namely (√ 3 + √ 5) (√ 3 + √ 5) - (√ 3 √ 5) (√ 3 √ 5)
Compare the size of 2 √ 3 √ 5 and 7
SO 2 √ 3 √ 5-7 > 0
That is (√ 3 + √ 5) - (√ 3 √ 5) > 0
Root is really hard to play. Is there any deficiency?

Mathematics problems in the second grade of primary school

How many seeds can be harvested by one person in the wheat harvest station?
One person can harvest one mu a day, that is to say, one person is needed to harvest one mu. At present, 12 Mu needs 12 × 1 = 12 people
It takes two people to bundle one mu a day for two people. Now 12 Mu needs 12 × 2 = 24 people
Therefore, we should send (12 + 24 = 36) people to collect, of which 12 reap and 24 tie
12 × 1 = 12 people
12 × 2 = 24 people
12 + 24 = 36 people
Comprehensive formula: 12 × 1 + 12 × 2 = 36

Find the law: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29 What is 1977?

1. The rule is: the [n + 1] term = the [n] item + N, expressed as a [n + 1] = a [n] + n
2. According to the expression, self calculation, super simple, if there is a problem, hi me!