Find the rules and fill in the numbers 20,20,10 18,16,8 25,( ),( )

Find the rules and fill in the numbers 20,20,10 18,16,8 25,( ),( )


Fill in the numbers 0, 7, (), 18, (), (), (), (), (), (), ()

The distance is 7,4,7,4.. the difference of one in the middle is 11

How to calculate the months and hours of heavenly stems and Earthly Branches You can't use the calendar to calculate, such as the year of Jiazi, the month of Geng Wu, the day of Guisi, and the hour of the third hour. Please count the year, month, day and time, and teach me how to calculate it!

Chronology of cadres and branches
First of all, tiangan and dizhi are numbered as follows:
Tiangan: A, B, C, D, e, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, GUI
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3
Di Zhi: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, you, Xu, Hai
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
If we want to convert the year from A.D. to the year of Ganzhi, we can find the corresponding one in the heavenly stems with the mantissa of the year A.D. and then divide the year into 12 and use the remainder to find the corresponding branch in the earth branch. In this way, the year of the year is converted into the year of the heavenly stems and branches
For example, in 1995
Use the last 5 of the year to find out the corresponding sky stem as "B"
Then, divide 1995 by 12 and the remainder is 3
Using the remainder 3, we find out that the corresponding branch is Hai
Then, the year 1995 is the year of Yihai
The law of supporting the discipline and the moon
The method is as follows: if the year of meeting a or oneself, the first month is Bingyin; when meeting the year of Yi or Geng, the first month is Wuyin; in the year of bingorxin, the first month is Gengyin; in the year of Ding or Ren, it is renyin; in the year of Wu or GUI, the first month is Jiayin
The method of keeping track of cadres and branches
Jiazi is the first day, Yichou is the second day, Bingyin is the third day For example, the first day of the first month of the ninth lunar year (1989) is the day of Ding you, and the second day is the day of 1898 The seventh day of March is exactly 60 days, so the second day of March is Ding you day
Time method of Ganzhi
The earth branch of the hour in a day is also determined. Therefore, twelve Earthly Branches are allocated in 24 hours. From 11:00 to 1:00 in the night is the Zishi, 1:00-3:00 is the ugly hour, and the rest are inferred. The sky of the hour is deduced from the heavenly stems of the day, and the song is as follows:
A was born a, B, G and C were the first,
Bingxin was born in Wuqi, Dingren and gengzi,
Wugui where hair, Renzi is the real way
That is to say, if the day is a or his own, it should be marked with a as a Zi; if the day is B or G, then C should be added to Zi Shi; when Bing Xin day is Wu Zi; Ding Ren RI is Geng Zi; Wu GUI RI is Renzi. If you know the main branches of Zishi, you can infer the rest

How to use heavenly stems and earthly branches to express date Specific calculation, do not copy

As early as 2697 B.C., when the founding of the people's Republic of China, the first ancestor of China, Huang Di, ordered Da Nao's family to explore the Qi mechanism of heaven and earth and explore the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), and began to make ten Heavenly Stems, including Jia, Yi, C, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, GUI, and twelve earthly branches such as Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, you, Xu, Hai, It is a symbol of the sixty year period
China's calendar takes the time of the moon's orbit around the earth (29.5306 days) as a month, and the time of the earth's one cycle around the sun (365.2419 days) as a year. In order to make the average number of days in a year consistent with the number of days in the regression year, a leap month is set up. According to records, in the sixth century B.C., China began to use the 19-year seven leap month method to coordinate the lunar calendar and the solar calendar
Heavenly stems and earthly branches are symbols set up by people in the past to make it convenient to do 60 rounding. For ancient Chinese, the existence of heavenly stems and earthbranches was as simple as Arabic numerals, and later they began to use these symbols on maps, directions and time (time axis and space axis). Therefore, the meanings of these numbers are more and more
Therefore, the concept of "the calendar of heavenly stems and earthly stems" of the ancients was more than 12 months, which was similar to the concept of "Tianshuo" in the period of 12 months
Heavenly stems and earthly branches are short for Ganzhi, which are used to arrange year numbers and dates in the summer calendar
The calendar arranges the year number and date with tiangan and dizhi. Tiangan has ten characters, so it is also called "Shigan". Its order is: A, B, C, D, e, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, GUI; Di Zhi has 12 characters, and the order is Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, you, Xu, Hai. Among them, Jia, C, Wu, Geng and Ren are Yanggan, Yi, Ding, Ji, Xin, GUI are Yin Gan, Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen, Xu are Yang branches, Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, you and Hai are Yin branches
In the past, the people of our country used to record the year, the month, the day and the time by the cycle of sixty years
The 22 symbols of heavenly stems and earthly branches are intricate and orderly, full of harmony and regularity. They show the law of nature's operation, the interaction between time and space, and the effect of yin and Yang. The Chinese calendar contains the thought of yin and Yang and the law of natural circulation
Year: each branch is a year. After 60 years, it starts from the beginning, and goes round and round again. Starting from Jiazi, it is called yijiazi or yihuajiazi. It is called Ganzhi chronology
Month: the first month starts from Yin, and the earth branch of each month is fixed, and then it is combined with heavenly stems in turn; from the first year's first month, Bingyin month, February is Ding maoyue, and March is Wuchen. From Jiazi month to Guihai month, there are sixty Jiazi, just five years
Japan: from Jiazi day, arranged in order, 60 days is just a cycle of trunk and branch
From the hour of the day to the hour of the day
1. Jia Zi 2. Yi Chou 3. Bingyin 4. Ding Mao 5. Wuchen 6. Jisi 7. Geng Wu 8. Xinwei
9. Renshen 10. Guiyou 11. Jiaxu 12. Yihai 13. Bingzi 14. Ding Chou 15. Wuyin 16. Jimao
17. Gengchen 18. Xinsi 19. Renwu 20. Guiwei 21. Jiashen 22. Yiyou 23. Bingxu 24. Ding Hai
29. 29. 29. 29
33. Bingshen 34. Ding you 35. Wuxu 36. Qihai 37. Gengzi 38. Xin Chou 39. Ren Yin 40. GUI Mao
41. Jiachen 42. Yisi 43. Bingwu 44. Ding Wei 45. Wushen 46. Qiyou 47. Geng Xu 48. Xinhai
49. Renzi 50. Guichou 51. Jiayin 52. Yimao 53. Bingchen 54. Ding Ji 55. Wuwu 56. Jiwei
57. Gengshen 58. Xinyou 59. Renxu 60. Guihai

How to use the heavenly stems and earthly branches to express the year, the day and the hour?

For example, today's time is: Gregorian calendar December 9, 2008, Beijing time 13:47 PM

How to calculate the month, day, hour and hour of heavenly stems and Earthly Branches What I checked is "the first month starts from Yin, and the local branches of each month are fixed, and then they are combined with tiangan in turn; the first month of the first year is Bingyin month, February is dingmaoyue, and March is Wuchen. From Jiazi month to Guihai month, there are 60 Jiazi, just five years." what is the meaning of the first year? If we say December, does it depend on the year of tiangan?

You don't quite understand the timing method of the Chinese calendar. The Chinese lunar calendar is composed of a heavenly stem and a local branch representing a year, a heavenly stem and a branch representing January, a heavenly stem and a branch representing a day, and a heavenly stem and a branch representing a time

How to calculate the heavenly stems and Earthly Branches and hours? 1. If you are given a year of AD, how to calculate the year of heavenly stems and Earthly Branches? 2. If you are given a year of heavenly stems and earthly branches, how to calculate another year of heavenly stems and Earthly Branches? 3. How to calculate the time?

Take the last number of the year as tiangan year divided by 12, and the remainder is the first number of earthly branches and heavenly stems and addresses. Sequence number three is the starting number. It is good to add: there is another way to start with four. See 3 divided by 10 for tiangan year, and 3 divided by 12 for earthly branch and earth branch year for tiangan dizhi year, We can use the year we know now to go back, and the method of time is simpler. We can calculate the time according to the standard of dizhi, so 23:00-1:00 is 01:00-03:00, and so on

How to check the time and expenditure

1. The time of the heavenly stems is from 23 o'clock every day, followed by Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, you, Xu, Hai, etc

In 201 A.D., it is () year according to the year of the main branch -0 - quick

In Xinsi year, I'm very sure that I'm a self-made expert. Ha ha

In 181 A.D., how many years was the chronology of heavenly stems and Earthly Branches As the title

Xinyou year
Ad 1, 61, 121, 181 And 60 B.C., 120 B.C., 180 B.C It's Xinyou year