3: How do you pronounce it in English?

3: How do you pronounce it in English?

three thirty
half past three

12: How to pronounce English at 30:30, how to pronounce at 12:05, please help me

First, read the hour and then the minute
First read the minute and then the hour: half past two or third past two
2. Double o'five, five past two

The origin of Arabic numerals Within 50 words!

Arabic numerals were originally created by Indians, and their ancestors gradually created them in the production practice. Its unique feature is that from 1 to 9, each number has its own special symbol, and modern numbers are derived from them

Origin of Arabic numerals: 70 words

The Arabic numerals 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.0 are universal numbers in the world. The creation of these numbers is not Arabic, but it can not erase the contribution of Arabs. Arabic numerals were originally created by Indians and their ancestors in the practice of production. In 3000 BC, the Indus River

The origin of Arabic numerals (about 50 words)

It was first invented by Indians, then spread to Europe by Arabs, and then modernized by Europeans. Because of the spread of Arabs, it became the key node of this kind of number which was finally used internationally, so people called it "Arabic numeral". Arabic numeral is composed of 10 counting symbols of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

The origin of Arabic numerals

Arabic numerals were not invented and created by Arabs, but originated in ancient India. Later, they were mastered and improved by Arabs and then spread to the West. Westerners called these numbers Arabic numerals

The origin of Arabic numerals within 150 words

In the 13th century, the Italian mathematician Fibonacci wrote the abacus. In this book, he made a detailed introduction to the Arabic numerals. Later, these numbers were transmitted to the Arab region from the Arab region

A two digit number is five times the sum of his two Arabic numbers, which is 10 times larger than the two digit number__ + )Multiply 5-10+__ Specific!

The number y + y is two digits
According to the meaning of the title, (x + y) × 5-10 = (10x + y)
It is reduced to 4y-5x = 10
Because x is an integer between 1 and 9, and Y is an integer between 0 and 9, x = 2, y = 5
This two digit number is 25

A two digit number is 5 times the sum of its two Arabic numerals, which is 10 times larger than the two digit number (□+□)×5-10=□

Let the two Arabic numerals of this two digit number be a and B,
So (a + 5) × 5 - (10a + b) = 1,
So a = 1, B = 10
A = 2, B = 5
So the two digit number is 25
A: the two digit number is 25

A two digit number is 5 times the sum of its two Arabic numerals, which is 10 times larger than the two digit number (□+□)×5-10=□

Let the two Arabic numerals of this two digit number be a and B,
So (a + 5) × 5 - (10a + b) = 1,
So a = 1, B = 10
A = 2, B = 5
So the two digit number is 25
A: the two digit number is 25