What does hero 2 yijiazi's internal skill mean

What does hero 2 yijiazi's internal skill mean

A is equal to level 10. Achievement equals level 1

What year should the year of 1992 be based on heavenly stems and Earthly Branches?

February 4, 1992 after the Renshen Gregorian calendar: February 4, 1992, Tuesday, Aquarius lunar calendar: the first day of the first month of the year of the monkey four pillars: Renshen Guichou gengxu solar term: the ninth day of the Spring Festival from now on: 6396 days from January 1, 1992 to February 3, 1992

60 years is called yijiazi, so what is 90 years?

One flower beetle

How to read ten Heavenly Stems?

Shitiangan: A, B, C, D, Wu, Jiji, Geng, Xinxin, Renren, GuiGui. Twelve dizhi: Zizi, Chou, Yinyin, Maomao, Chenchen, Sisi, Wu, Weiwei, shensh, etc

What are the ten Heavenly Stems and the twelve Earthly Branches? And what are their origins?

In ancient China, heaven and earth branches were called "Heavenly Stems" and "branches of the earth". The connection between "heaven" and "branches" was called "Heavenly Stems"; the interconnection of "Earth" and "branches" was called "earthly branches"

Write down the ten day stem and twelve Earthly Branches. The key point is to annotate the Pinyin. Thank you. (by the way: the classification I chose for this question is educational science, right.)

Ten dry days: a (Ji) B (y) B (y) C (b) ng) Ding (d ng) penta (wৃ) Ji (J ሤ) Geng (g ng) Xin (x n) Ren (R é n) GUI (Gu ሤ) 12 earthbranches: Zi (z), Chou (CH U), Yin (Y í n), Mao (m ǎ o), Chen (CH é n), Si (SI) Si (Y í n), Mao (m ǎ o), Chen (CH é n), Si (Si (SI), Si (Y í n), Mao (m ǎ o), Chen (CH é n), Si (SI), Si (SI), Si (m ǎo), Chen (CH é n), Si (CH é n s ì), Wu (w ǔ), Wei (w è I), Shen (?)

What do you mean by heavenly stems

An ancient Chinese character sequence symbol, a total of 10 characters: A, B, C, D, e, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, GUI, which are recycled

Did human beings appear on the earth in ancient times?

1、 Gandaya civilization (Super Power Civilization) about 1 meter, men have a third eye, emerald color, different functions. There are predictions, lethality and so on. Women don't have a third eye, so women are afraid of men. But women's womb has the ability of God. Before pregnancy, women will contact the God who will be born in heaven. OK, women

How did human beings evolve in ancient times?

The study of paleoanthropology shows that human beings evolved from the ancient ape, and it is an independent branch from the ape system. Its emergence and development is a long historical process. The study of paleoanthropology shows that there were many kinds of ancient apes in the old world before 120 million years ago. But which one is the direct ancestor of human beings, Where and when did the evolutionary process begin from ape to man is still a question far from being solved. Since the mid-1960s, the paleoanthropologists generally regarded Rama as the representative of the earliest human evolutionary system. Lama fossils were first discovered in India in 1932, It was named Ramapithecus in 1934. Since then, similar fossils have been found in many places in Africa, Europe and Asia, all of which are classified as Lama. The earliest age of Lama is 14 million years ago. At that time, it is generally believed that human origin was at least 14 million years ago, Human beings were separated from the ape system at a later stage, no more than 10 million years at most; the age of Lama was too early, and they could not be the earliest members of the hominid family. In addition, it has been found that in every site where the Rama fossils are unearthed, there is also another type of Siva which is definitely ape, and there is no significant difference in morphological characteristics between the two, The name of chimpanzee is the first, and the name of Rama is later. According to the international animal nomenclature rules, the name of Rama was cancelled and incorporated into Siva. Later, people generally agreed with this opinion and denied that Lama was the representative of the earliest member of the hominid family, Therefore, Siva may be the ancestor of chimpanzees. The Lufeng ape, which is about 8 million years old, was found in Yunnan, China. This fossil is similar to African great ape and Australopithecus which belongs to human evolutionary system. It may be similar to the type of human distant ancestor. However, some people think that Kenyan ape found in Kenya of East Africa, or orano in Greece, Australopithecus Australopithecus and Lama Homo hominis lived between 14 million and 7 million years ago. In the period of 7 million to 4 million years ago, only a few scattered fossil materials have been found so far, which can definitely be regarded as the earliest fossil representative of human evolutionary system, They are Australopithecus australis, which lived between 4 million and 1 million years ago, However, it is actually the first ancient human to embark on the course of human evolution. It was named after a young skull fossil found in TaON, South Africa in 1925. It is mainly found in South Africa and East Africa. Australopithecus has clearly shown a series of human characteristics in skull, mandible, teeth, pelvis and limbs, The brain capacity of Australopithecus australis is more than that of modern great apes, and the structure of brain is basically human type. After Australopithecus, human is able man. In physical characteristics, Homo sapiens is better than Australopithecus, living about 2.3-1.8 million years ago, They are distributed in East Africa and South Africa. They were first discovered in 1960. Up to now, in addition to the olduvay gorge, this type of fossil has also been found in kupifol, Kenya, Omo region in Ethiopia, stekfundan and swatkrone in South Africa, The culture of creation is called auduville culture. The next stage of human evolution of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens is represented by Homo erectus. Homo erectus lived about 1.8-200 million years ago, and the culture created belongs to the early Paleolithic culture. The fossil of Homo erectus was first discovered in Java, Indonesia. The discoverer E. Dubois named it erectus, It is believed that Homo erectus is the ancestor of modern man. However, the debate about whether erectus erectus is ape or human lasted for a long time. Until 1920s and 1930s, Peking Man fossils were found in Zhoukoudian, Beijing, and a large number of stone artifacts, fire relics and animal fossils were unearthed, The concept of Homo erectus as an early primitive human was gradually accepted. Now, the sites of discovery of Homo erectus type fossils have been found in Asia, Europe and Africa. In Kenya, Java in Indonesia and Yunnan Province in China, about 1.5 million years old Homo erectus fossils have been found, In Asia, the skulls of Jinniushan man were found in Yingkou, Liaoning, China in 1984; in Africa, the skulls of salai in Morocco in 1975 and the skulls of Bodo in northern Ethiopia in 1976; and in Europe, the skulls of Jinniushan man were found in Yingkou, Liaoning, China in 1984; in Africa, the skulls of salai in Morocco in 1975 and the skulls of Bodo in northern Ethiopia in 1976, There are petralona skulls unearthed in Greece since 1960 and Aragorn skulls discovered in France. These skulls have the characteristics of Homo erectus and early Homo sapiens. They provide an important basis for explaining the transition from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens, The early Homo sapiens lived about 250000-40000 years ago and was an ancient human in the middle of the Paleolithic age. The late Homo sapiens belongs to the modern man in the anatomical structure, which began to appear about 450000 years ago. In the late stage of Homo sapiens, the distribution of human beings expanded, From the old world to Australia and America, we can trace the various stages of human evolution from the fossil found at present, from late Homo sapiens to early Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens to Australopithecus. The early representatives of human beings earlier and more primitive than Australopithecus are still under exploration

How did human beings live in ancient times

Eat, drink, Lazar, hunt and catch lice
What you say is ancient, how ancient is it? Is it Xia Shang Zhou? Or stone age? Or further