How to write Arabic numerals in English? I am illiterate in English. I want to know how to write 0 to 9 in English

How to write Arabic numerals in English? I am illiterate in English. I want to know how to write 0 to 9 in English

zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What are the Chinese characters corresponding to Arabic numerals

9 years
In fact, it's homophonic. You can do it according to your own meaning

Excel converts Arabic numerals into Chinese lower case numbers I want to fill in a list of forms How to easily type it out,

The simplest method:
It is divided into three columns: column a primary school; column B: 12345; column C grade
Then column d = A1 & B1 & C1
Pull down the first grade
Grade two of primary school
Grade 3 of primary school
Fourth grade of primary school

Lower case = Arabic? Today, when I went to save money, it was written (in figures) at the end of the column of the amount of savings It's a capital number, but it's really embarrassing for me. Anyway, it's probably one, two, three, four Well, so I wrote it like this. But because I've never seen the amount written in this way, I put Arabic numbers in the back. I handed it to the bank clerk, and he laughed at a glance. He said, "there is no such way of writing, either in capitals or in lowercase In fact, if I didn't fill in the Arabic numerals, I would be embarrassed if I didn't understand the Arabic numerals [em05][em02]

It fully shows the Chinese people's habit of speaking. If there is a capital letter, there must be a small one. This can be called the Chinese theory of relativity. Ha ha [em03] [em03] [em03] view the original post > >

Guess idiom a Chinese character "one", there is an inverted Arabic numeral "3" below. What kind of idiom is it?

infer other things from one fact

How many spaces do numbers occupy in your composition How many squares are in 2011, 35, 9 and 580?

It's all one grid! 2011 one grid, 35 grid, 9 grid, 580 grid

How many spaces does the expanded number occupy in the composition paper One or two?

2 character case

How many spaces does "2-3" occupy in the composition paper? 2-3 how many spaces do these two numbers and one symbol occupy in the composition paper?

If it's 2-3 (minus), it's three. If it's 2-3 (DASH), it's four

How to use Arabic numerals in writing Sometimes one, two, three of Chinese characters are used, and sometimes 1, 2, 3 are used Is there a specific standard?

The use of Arabic numerals in writing
In 1956, the State Council drafted a "trial method on the use of Arabic numerals in official documents, telegrams and official journals", and on October 23, the State Council drafted a "trial method for the use of Arabic numerals in official documents, telegrams and official journals", In the same year, the relevant news departments also issued the regulations on the use of Arabic numerals in official documents, telegrams and official journals of state organs. According to this regulation, newspapers such as people's daily began to use Arabic numerals since 1957, "The people's Daily" formulated the "provisions on changing the number of words into Arabic numerals," which "decided to change the number words of year, month, day, percentage, number, scientific and technological terms and machine models into Arabic numerals from July 1, 1980." in 1981, the general office of the State Council formulated the Interim Measures for the handling of official documents of state administrative organs, which stipulates that when drafting official documents, the general office of the State Council shall adopt Arabic numerals, Arabic numerals should be used in "official document number, statistical table, schedule, serial number, special terms and other items that must use Arabic numerals". In 1982, the general provisions on numbering standards of guidelines for standardization work approved by the State Administration of standards and implemented on January 1, 1982, clearly states that "the values in the standard shall generally adopt Arabic numerals", and the numbers with measurement unit shall be adopted, "Must be written in Arabic numerals."
The above-mentioned regulations on the use of Arabic numerals are only limited to the work of government organs, newspapers and standardized departments. However, from the overall situation of national publications, there is no unified style for the use of Chinese characters and Arabic numerals in publications involving numbers (such as time, length, weight, area, volume and other values), In order to correct the confusion in the use of numbers in publications, further popularize the use of Arabic numerals in publications, and promote the standardization of language and characters, 1 January 1987, The State Language Working Committee, the state Publishing Bureau, the State Bureau of standards, the State Bureau of metrology, the Secretariat of the general office of the State Council, the information bureau of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, and the Publishing Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee jointly issued a notice announcing the Trial Provisions on the use of figures in publications, advocating that "where Arabic numerals can be used and it is appropriate to use them, In particular, Arabic numerals should be used when the numbers are more accurate. "It also specifies two main situations in which Arabic numerals should be used and two main situations in which Chinese characters should be used. It is also specified that" the edition, volume number and page number of citations shall be marked. Except that ancient books should be consistent with the editions, Arabic numerals should be used ", "When the horizontal Title involves numbers, it can be handled flexibly according to the actual needs and possibilities of the page." "horizontal arrangement is advocated. When vertical arrangement is really necessary, all numbers involved in the text should be in Chinese characters except Arabic numerals which must be retained." "in case of special circumstances, flexible modifications can be made". This provision is now in general use

When writing a thesis, should the brackets of Arabic numerals be in Chinese or English? For example, (1) (Chinese brackets), (1) (English brackets)?

If your paper is in Chinese, use Chinese punctuation;
In English, all punctuation should be in English!
Keep the format uniform~