The third unit of the second day of junior high school summarizes that the differences and similarities of axisymmetry, rotation and translation are the same

The third unit of the second day of junior high school summarizes that the differences and similarities of axisymmetry, rotation and translation are the same

Difference: the characteristic of translation is that the trajectory of each point is the same, and each point on the graph can represent the motion of the whole graph, which is why when studying the translational motion of an object, the object can be abstracted into a physical model - particle. The characteristic of rotation is that the trajectory of each point is a

Definition of translation

It refers to the movement of all points on a graph at the same distance in a certain direction in the plane. Such graphic movement is called graphic translation movement, which is called translation for short. Translation does not change the shape and size of the graph. Translation can not be horizontal

What is translation, the characteristics of translation

Translation is horizontal movement. The characteristic is that no matter how many times you move, you are on the same horizontal line

Translation features (1) The translated drawing is the same as the corresponding line segment in the original drawing_____ And __; (2) Line segment connecting corresponding points_______ And __

Parallel, equal
Equal, parallel

Translation features!

The characteristic of translation is that the trajectory of each point is the same, and each point on the graph can represent the motion of the whole graph, which is why the object can be abstracted into a physical model - particle when studying the translational motion of the object

Definition of rotation

The graphic transformation of turning a figure around a point O by an angle is called rotation. That is, rotation is the phenomenon that an object moves on a circle centered on a point or an axis, and it is not necessary to make a circular motion. Therefore, swing is also rotation, so the motion of swing, pendulum and seesaw is swing and rotation at the same time