(Translated) The following motions are not translational: A. The sliding of a car on the ground when braking hard B. The plane accelerated on the runway before taking off C. The movement of a kite in the air D. Cable car movement in the mountains

(Translated) The following motions are not translational: A. The sliding of a car on the ground when braking hard B. The plane accelerated on the runway before taking off C. The movement of a kite in the air D. Cable car movement in the mountains

C. The movement of a kite in the air

The shape and size of the translated figure () do not change

The shape and size of the translated figure (Figure) do not change

Where do patterns in life use the knowledge of rotation and translation?

Bicycle wheel Chinese flag American flag Australian flag

How do you rotate a figure with a point of a triangle,

First take the rotation point as the center, then look at the rotation angle, then rotate the two (or several) edges connected to the rotation point clockwise (or counterclockwise) to the required rotation angle, and finally intercept the length of the rotation edge. Then connect the corresponding points

As shown in the figure, a stone arch bridge in a park is circular arc (inferior arc), with a span of 24m and an arch radius of 13m, and the arch height is () A. 5 meters B. 8 meters C. 7 meters D. 5 3 meters

Because the span AB = 24m, the radius of the circle where the arch is located is 13m,
So find out the center O, connect OA, extend CD to o, and form a right triangle,
Do = 5 is obtained by using Pythagorean theorem and vertical diameter theorem,
Then the arch height CD = co-do = 13-5 = 8. Therefore, B is selected

How many ways can we go in Mathematics in grade three of primary school

For example, there are three ways to go from a to B and four ways to go from B to C. how many different ways to go from point a to point B to point C? three × 4 = 12 kinds
For example: three coats, two pairs of trousers, how many collocations? three × 2 = 6 kinds