What is not parallel in the down phenomenon is that elevator a rises, mouse B moves and windmill C rotates Among these phenomena, what is not parallel is that elevator a rises, mouse B moves and windmill C rotates

What is not parallel in the down phenomenon is that elevator a rises, mouse B moves and windmill C rotates Among these phenomena, what is not parallel is that elevator a rises, mouse B moves and windmill C rotates


When the windmill is blown by the wind, it is () phenomenon, and the elevator moves up and down is () phenomenon

Natural physics

The () in life is rotating; () do balance exercises?

When you pull out the plug of a bathtub full of water, there will be a vortex
For some reason, the water flows downward, and then the surrounding water needs to supplement to the center. Due to the influence of the earth's rotation, the moving objects are subjected to a rightward force, so the water has to go through a spiral line to flow to the center, so the water rotates
This is a phenomenon of rotation! The direction of vortex rotation is related to geographical location (magnetic field)!

Three rotation phenomena in life []]

revolving door
Bicycle wheel

What are the phenomena in life

Wheels and fans when starting bicycles and cars

What are the phenomena of translation? Come on, please! Tomorrow

If we are talking about translational friction, it can be divided into static friction, rolling friction and sliding friction
1、 Definition:
Translation refers to moving all points on a graph at the same distance in a certain direction in a plane. Such graphic motion is called graphic translation motion, which is referred to as translation [1]. Translation does not change the shape and size of the object. Translation can not be horizontal. It is isometric, It is a kind of affine transformation in affine space. It can be regarded as the result of adding the same vector to each point or moving the center of the coordinate system. That is, if a known vector is a point in space, it is translated. If the same point is translated twice, the result can be expressed by one translation, that is, therefore, the set of all translations is a group, which is called a translation group. This group is isomorphic with space, It is also a normal subgroup of Euclidean group E (n)
Basic properties:
After translation, the corresponding line segments are parallel (or collinear) and equal, the corresponding angles are equal, and the line segments connected by the corresponding points are parallel and equal; Translation transformation does not change the shape, size and direction of the figure (the two figures before and after translation are congruent)
Two key points:
1 direction of translation. 2 distance of translation
Function of Translation:
1. Fine graphics can be constructed through simple translation. 2. Translation is longer than parallel lines. Translation can translate an angle, a line segment and a graphics to another position. It is decentralized conditions concentrated on one graphics to solve the problem
Overall summary:
1 move a figure along a straight line as a whole to get a new figure. The shape and size of the new figure are exactly the same as that of the original figure. 2 each point in the new figure is obtained after moving a point in the original figure. The two points are corresponding points. The line segments connecting each group of corresponding points are parallel and equal. VI. characteristics of Translation: 1. The shape and size of the figure before and after translation remain unchanged, Position change. 2 the connecting lines of the corresponding points of the new figure and the original figure are parallel and equal. 3 the corresponding line segments of the new figure and the original figure are parallel and equal, and the corresponding angles are equal
Drawing method:
Take drawing a snowman as an example. You can cover the picture with translucent paper, first draw a snowman, then move the paper one after another in the same direction, and then draw the second and third... It is required to move horizontally or perpendicular to the original ladder (Van) in the vertical direction
The articles on the conveyor belt are moving obliquely
When the window is pulled, the window moves horizontally
On the construction site, the cement block lifted by the crane moves horizontally in the vertical direction
When skating on the ice, the skates move horizontally when they touch the ice
Hot air balloons float in the air and can translate in any direction. Elevators, car bodies, sliding windows and conveyor belts transport goods,
The plane is flying in the air,
And so on are translation phenomena