Several blank filling questions in Mathematics ① A number consists of 4 percentages, 3 ones and 48 percentages. This number is () ② The product of two factors is 8.42. If one factor is 10 times larger than the other factor, the decimal point of the other factor moves two digits to the left, and the product is () ③ Two out of nine molecules increase by 6. If the fraction size remains the same, the denominator should increase ()

Several blank filling questions in Mathematics ① A number consists of 4 percentages, 3 ones and 48 percentages. This number is () ② The product of two factors is 8.42. If one factor is 10 times larger than the other factor, the decimal point of the other factor moves two digits to the left, and the product is () ③ Two out of nine molecules increase by 6. If the fraction size remains the same, the denominator should increase ()

1.403 12 / 25
three point two seven

The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylinder is 6.28cm. If the bottom remains unchanged and the height increases by 2cm, its side area is 43.96cm ² The volume of the original cylinder was () cm ³ Cube wood block with edge length of 6dm is cut into a largest cone, and the volume to be cut is () The fastest and most accurate + 60 points (family background ~ help me)

The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylinder is 6.28cm. If the bottom remains unchanged and the height increases by 2cm, its side area is 43.96cm ² The volume of the original cylinder was (150.72) cm ³
Cube wood block with edge length of 6dm is cut into a largest cone, and the volume to be cut is (113.04dm)

Grade 7 univariate equation There are 85 workers in the processing workshop of the machinery factory. Each person processes 16 large gears or 10 small gears every day. It is known that two large gears and three small gears are matched into a set. How many workers are required to process large gears and small gears to match the large and small gears processed every day?

If x workers are required to process large gears, then 80-x workers are required to process small gears, so that the large and small gears processed every day can be matched exactly
85-25 = 60 (person)

It's a very difficult mathematical problem. It's best to solve the equation of one variable and one degree quickly, Dad went out to buy a and B. this day was a hot day, so a was 15% lower than the original price, and B was 12% lower than the original price. The total payment was 69440 yuan, with an average price reduction of 13.2%?

Let a be priced at x yuan
Because the total payment amount is 69440 yuan, the average price is reduced by 13.2%
Therefore, the original total payment amount was 69440 / (1-13.2%) = 80000 yuan
Then the price of B is (80000-x) yuan
A the current price is x (1-15%) yuan, B the current price is (80000-x) (1-12%) yuan
Therefore, a is priced at 32000 yuan and B is priced at 80000-32000 = 48000 yuan

The buoyancy of an object immersed in a liquid is equal to(

F = liquid density * volume of liquid discharged * g
The lowercase "g" is the relationship between the mass of the object and the gravity, which is 1kg / 9.8N, that is, the gravity of each kilogram of object is 9.8N
Sometimes, the object is stationary, so gravity is equal to the supporting force. Because gravity g = m (mass) * g, so the supporting force F = m * g, then G is equal to f / m

Is there buoyancy under the condition of complete weightlessness in space? Under the condition of complete weightlessness in space, put a piece of wood into a beaker filled with an appropriate amount of water and make it low by hand. Will the wood float when you start?

Buoyancy f = PGV, P water density, G is gravitational acceleration, which can also be extended to equivalent acceleration, that is, all accelerations of an object in water under a reference system, and V is the volume of discharged water
Under the condition of complete weightlessness, the equivalent acceleration g = 0, f = 0