What determines the translation of a graph? What and what does not change after the translation of a graph

What determines the translation of a graph? What and what does not change after the translation of a graph

After translation, the size and shape of the picture remain the same, but the position is different

The translation of a graph is determined by and. After the graph is translated, its sum The translation of a graph is determined by and. After the graph is translated, its sum does not change

Translation direction

After the figure is translated, the distance between the corresponding points () is equal; After the figure is rotated, the distance between the corresponding points () is equal; The graphics have been folded, After the figure is translated, the distance between the corresponding points () is equal; After the figure is rotated, the distance between the corresponding points () is equal; After the figure is folded, the distance between the corresponding points () is equal

After the graph is translated, the corresponding points (moving) are the same distance; After the figure is rotated, the distance from the corresponding point (to the rotation center) is equal; After the figure is folded, the distance between the corresponding points (to the axis of symmetry) is equal

How to understand the translation of a straight line according to a vector

A: let the straight line L: ax + by + C = 0 translate according to the vector (m, n). Remember that the straight line after translation is l ', the coordinate of any point on L' is m (x, y), and the coordinate corresponding to point m on L is n (x, y '); Then there are m = x-x ', n = Y-Y', З X '= x-m, y' = y-n

Image translation by vector Translate the vector a according to the vector M = (2,3), and the obtained vector coordinates are (1,2), then a is equal to () A.(3,5) B.(-1,-1) C.(3,-1) D.(1,2)

Let a = (x, y), then after vector a is translated according to vector M = (2,3), a = (x + 2, y + 3),
Let x + 2 = 1, y + 3 = 2,
X = - 1, y = - 1, so a = (- 1, - 1) choose B

What is a straight line translated by a vector? Please explain. For example, what is the straight line after the straight line 2x-y + C = O is translated according to the vector a (1, - 1)?

Remember: the equation after the line ax + by + C = 0 is translated along the vector a (m, n)
2x-y + C = 0 translates along the vector (1, - 1)
Simplify to