It takes 60 minutes for the minute hand of a clock to rotate at a uniform speed. Its rotation center is ___, After 20 minutes, the minute hand turned______ Degrees

It takes 60 minutes for the minute hand of a clock to rotate at a uniform speed. Its rotation center is ___, After 20 minutes, the minute hand turned______ Degrees

According to the concept of rotation center, it is easy to know
The rotation center of the minute hand is the center of the dial
The minute hand rotates 6 ° per minute and 6 ° in 20 minutes × 20=120°.

The movement of the minute hand of a clock can be regarded as a rotation phenomenon. The minute hand of a standard clock rotates at a uniform speed and rotates for 15 minutes______ Degrees

As shown in the figure, the minute hand turned three large grids in 15 minutes, each of which turned 30 °, a total of 30 ° × 3=90°.

The rotation of the windmill is______ Phenomenon, the up and down movement of the elevator is______ Phenomenon

The rotation of the windmill is a rotation phenomenon, and the up and down movement of the elevator is a translation phenomenon
So the answer is: rotation, translation

The rotation of the steering wheel belongs to () transformation, and the lifting of the elevator belongs to () transformation

The rotation of the steering wheel belongs to (rotation) transformation, and the lifting of the elevator belongs to (translation) transformation

Is the up and down movement of the elevator on the construction site translation or rotation

This is the vertical movement between floors!

The following phenomena belong to translation (), rotation (). A moves clockwise, B windmill rotates, C opens the door, and d starts the elevator The following phenomena belong to translation (), rotation () A walk clockwise B windmill rotation C open the door D started elevator E blades of running electric fan F open and close aluminum alloy windows

The following phenomena belong to abce and DF