When the minute hand on the clock rotates 120 °, the hour hand rotates __

When the minute hand on the clock rotates 120 °, the hour hand rotates __

∵ when the minute hand on the clock rotates 120 °,
The minute hand has gone 120
6 = 20 minutes,
‡ angle of clockwise rotation = 20 × 0.5°=10°.
So the answer is 10 °

The clock turns in one minute____ Degree angle

360 / 60 = 6 degrees

Why does the pointer in the clock turn?

In ancient times, people had no clocks and watches, so they could only roughly judge the time by the height of the sun. Later, people found that the sun moved slowly on a big stone, and the moving position was the same every day, so they set up a stick on the big stone, and they set up a stick on the big stone, and engraved some lines around the stick, Yang

Rotation principle of clocks and watches

The principle of quartz clock is a quartz oscillator with a frequency of 32.767khz, and then a frequency divider divides the frequency into 2Hz
This frequency drives a small motor with a rotation speed of just 1 revolution per second, and then drives the pointer indication through the speed change of the gear set

Why does the pointer in the clock turn?

Modern mechanical clocks are composed of five parts: power, gear train, escapement mechanism, rudder or balance wheel, and time (engraving) mechanism. In short, power - spring or heavy hammer provides energy for the working of mechanical clocks. Through the growth rate of gear train, one upper bar can run continuously for many days. Escapement mechanism makes the timing frequency of clocks

The minute hand of the clock needs 60 minutes to rotate at a uniform speed. After 35 minutes, the minute hand rotates The minute hand turned - °, and the hour hand turned - °

210; seventeen point five