A train travels at an average speed. It takes 20s to pass through a 300m long tunnel. There is a lamp on the top of the tunnel, and the time on the train is 10s. Ask for the speed of the train A series of univariate linear equations

A train travels at an average speed. It takes 20s to pass through a 300m long tunnel. There is a lamp on the top of the tunnel, and the time on the train is 10s. Ask for the speed of the train A series of univariate linear equations

Let the train length L speed V then
(300 + L) / v = 20 and L / v = 10
Hu train speed is 30m / s

A train travels at a constant speed through a 300m long tunnel Write clearly, especially the symbols! "It takes 20 seconds. There is a lamp on the top of the tunnel, which shines vertically downward, and the time when the light shines on the train is 10 seconds. According to the above data, can you calculate the length of the train? If so, what is the length of the train? If not, please explain the reason."

Let the length of the train be y and the speed of the train be X. set the following equation:
Solve the equation: x = 30, y = 300
So the length of the train is 300m

A passenger car and a freight car leave from both places at the same time. When the two trains meet, the passenger car takes 70% of the whole journey, and the freight car is still far from the midpoint 320 kilometers. It is known that it takes 20 hours for the bus to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers does the bus travel per hour?

A passenger train and a freight train leave from Party A and Party B at the same time. When the two trains meet, the passenger train takes 70% of the whole journey,
Distance ratio between passenger and freight = 7:3, distance between freight cars: midpoint: whole journey = 7-5: 10 = 2:10 = 1:5
The truck is 320 km away from the midpoint. The whole journey = 320 x 5 = 1600km
It is known that it takes 20 hours for the bus to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers does the bus travel per hour?
1600 /20 = 80 km /h

A passenger car and a freight car leave from both places at the same time. When the two trains meet, the passenger car takes 70% of the whole journey, and the freight car is 500 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two places. It is known that the full journey of the passenger car takes 20 hours, and how many kilometers does the passenger car travel per hour?

five hundred × 2÷40%
=2500 (km);
2500 ÷ 20 = 125 (km)
A: the bus travels 125 kilometers per hour

The two trains of Party A and Party B started from the two places with a distance of 1100km at the same time and met after 5 hours. It is known that vehicle a is 1 / 6 slower than vehicle B. what is the speed of vehicle B

Let the speed of car B be x km,
Then the speed of car a is (1-1 / 6) x km
five × 11/6x=1100
A: the speed of car B is 120 kilometers

The two trains run from the two places 580km apart and meet after 2.5 hours. It is known that the speed ratio of the two trains is 14:15 What are the speeds? (solved by the equation of proportion)

Let the speed of a be 14x and the speed of B be 15x
(14x+15x) × 2.5=580
29x × 2.5=580
A speed = 14 × 8 = 112 km / h
B speed = 15 × 8 = 120 km / h