Li Yun sat in a train with a speed of 60 kilometers per hour by the window and saw a truck with 30 carriages coming head-on. When the front of the truck passed the window, he began to remember the time. Until the last carriage passed the window, the recorded time was 18 seconds. It is known that each carriage of the truck is 15.8 meters long and the distance between the carriages (including the front) is 1.2 meters, The front of the truck is 10 meters long. What is the speed of the truck?

Li Yun sat in a train with a speed of 60 kilometers per hour by the window and saw a truck with 30 carriages coming head-on. When the front of the truck passed the window, he began to remember the time. Until the last carriage passed the window, the recorded time was 18 seconds. It is known that each carriage of the truck is 15.8 meters long and the distance between the carriages (including the front) is 1.2 meters, The front of the truck is 10 meters long. What is the speed of the truck?

The speed sum of two trains is:
(15.8 × 30+1.2 × 30+10)÷18
=520 ÷ 18 (m),
9 (M / s);
two hundred and sixty
9 m / S = 104 km / h;
Speed of truck: 104-60 = 44 (km / h)
A: the speed of the truck is 44 km / h

The two trains leave from both places at the same time. The speed of the bus is 60 kilometers per hour and the speed of the truck is 50 kilometers per hour. As a result, the bus is 2 kilometers earlier than the truck How many kilometers is the railway yard between Party A and Party B?

The railway yard of Party A and Party B is 2xkm
600 * 2 = 1200 km
The railway yard of Party A and Party B is 1200 kilometers

The two trains run from 400 kilometers apart at the same time, with passenger trains running 60 kilometers per hour and freight trains running 40 kilometers per hour After a few hours, the two trains met at a distance of 100 kilometers [thank you for the process]

The two trains run at the same time from 400 kilometers apart. The passenger train runs 60 kilometers per hour and the freight train runs 40 kilometers per hour. After a few hours, the two trains meet 100 kilometers apart? Equation reference upstairs, I use arithmetic speed and = 60 + 40 = 100 km / h. If there is no encounter, it takes time = (400-1

The two cities are 246 kilometers apart. The two trains start from the two places at the same time and run opposite to each other. The freight train runs 60 meters per hour, which is 1.2 times the speed of the passenger train It's 26 kilometers after a few hours? (column equation solution)

After X hours of solution, the distance is still 26 kilometers
A: after two hours, it's still 26 kilometers away

The two trains run towards each other. The bus body is 150 meters long and the speed is 60 km / h. The truck body is 120 meters long and the speed is 75 km / h. they meet from the front to the rear How long does it take to leave? equation

150m = 0.15km, 120m = 0.12km)
Suppose it takes n hours, according to the meaning of the question, get the equation: (60 + 75) × n=0.15+0.12
Solution: n = 0.002
0.002 hours = 0.12 minutes = 7.2 seconds

The two trains run in opposite directions. The bus body is 150 meters long and the speed is 60 km / h. The truck body is 120 meters long and the speed is 75 km / h. how many hours does it take from the front to the rear?

Assuming the bus does not move,
Then the truck speed is (60 * 1000 / 60) + (75 * 1000 / 60) = 2250 M / min,
The running distance of freight car is 150 + 120 = 270 meters
270 * 60 / 2250 = 7.2 seconds = 7.2 / (60 * 60) = 0.002 hours