The railway from Nanjing to Changzhou is 138 kilometers long. An express train and a slow train leave from Nanjing and Changzhou at the same time. It is known that the fast train runs 88 kilometers per hour and the two trains meet in one hour. After meeting, how many hours will the slow train travel to Nanjing?

The railway from Nanjing to Changzhou is 138 kilometers long. An express train and a slow train leave from Nanjing and Changzhou at the same time. It is known that the fast train runs 88 kilometers per hour and the two trains meet in one hour. After meeting, how many hours will the slow train travel to Nanjing?

(88 × 1)÷[(138-88 × 1)÷1]
25 (hours);
A: it takes 119 hours to reach Nanjing after the local train meets
25 hours

An express train and a slow train leave the two cities 720 kilometers apart at the same time. They meet in 6 hours. The speed of the slow train is 3 / 5 of that of the fast train, and every hour of the fast train How many kilometers does the express run per hour

= 120÷8/5
=75 km

A train from city a to city B takes 10 hours, and a slow train from city B to city a takes 15 hours. The slow train leaves for 2 hours, and the express train leaves. How many hours after the express train leaves, can the two trains meet? Come on! Hurry! Regardless of equation arithmetic, we should think and process! OK, add!

Take the whole journey as unit 1. The fast train takes 1 / 10 of the whole journey in an hour and the slow train takes 1 / 15 of the whole journey in an hour. The slow train takes 2 hours and takes 2 / 15 of the whole journey. Suppose that the two trains meet after the fast train takes x hours. Then the fast train takes x hours and takes X / 10 of the whole journey, the slow train takes x + 2 hours and takes (x + 2) / 15 of the whole journey. Then: hurry

The speed ratio of an express train to a slow train is 5:4. They start from the two places at the same time, run opposite to each other, and meet at a place 12 kilometers away from the midpoint. The railway between the two places

=216 km

It takes 22 seconds for a train to pass through the 82 meter long iron bridge. The speed of the train is doubled. It takes 16 seconds to pass through the 162m bridge

Set: the train speed is x m / s
22X-82=16 × (2X)-162
Therefore, the train speed x is 8 m / s
The length of the train is 8 × 22-82 = 94m
If we haven't learned the equation, let's assume that the train doesn't speed up,
When it passes through the 162m tunnel, it takes 16 hours × 2 = 32 seconds
Therefore, the speed of the train is (162-82) ÷ (32-22) = 8m / s
The length is 94 meters

Buses and trucks travel together. Buses are 150 meters long and trucks are 150 meters long. If the bus speed is twice the train speed and 20 kilometers less, their passing time is 45 seconds What are the speeds of the two vehicles

If the freight car speed x is set, the passenger car is 2x-20
Is the length of your truck wrong
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