The speed of the freight car is 75% of that of the passenger car. The freight car and the passenger car run towards each other from a and B at the same time, and meet each other after 3 hours. The ratio of the distance between the freight car and the passenger car is __: __

The speed of the freight car is 75% of that of the passenger car. The freight car and the passenger car run towards each other from a and B at the same time, and meet each other after 3 hours. The ratio of the distance between the freight car and the passenger car is __: __

Because 75% of truck speed and bus speed: 1 = 3:4,
Therefore, the distance ratio between trucks and buses is 3:4;
So the answer is: 3, 4

A passenger train is 200 meters long and a freight train is 280 meters long. It runs opposite. After 15 seconds from meeting to leaving, the speed ratio of passenger train to freight train is 5:3 How many meters do two cars travel per second? (equation)

If the passenger car speed is 5x, the freight car speed is 3x
Bus speed: 5 * 4 = 20m / S
Truck speed: 3 * 4 = 12m / S

The speed of the freight car is 40% of that of the passenger car. The freight car and the passenger car run towards each other from a and B at the same time, and meet after 2 hours, When meeting, the distance ratio between truck and bus is (): ()

V cargo: V passenger = 40% = 2:5
T is the same as 2
Then s Customer: s goods = V customer: V goods = 5:2

A freight car and a passenger car run opposite on two parallel rails. It is known that the speed of the freight car is 22m / s, the length of the car is 100m, the speed of the passenger car is m / s, and the length of the car is 160m. Calculate the time required for the two cars to meet from the front to the rear You smart big brothers and sisters, Sorry, the speed of the bus is 30m / s

The speed of the passenger car is low. Let's set a v. from the front to the rear, it means that the two cars have to go through all the body, that is, 100 + 160 = 260m, so time = 260 divided by (22 + V)

Passenger cars and freight cars run on two parallel tracks Passenger cars are 150 meters long and freight cars are 250 meters long. Passenger cars travel 4 meters more per second than freight cars 1. Ask the two cars to travel in opposite directions. It takes 10 seconds from meeting to staggering (i.e. from meeting at the front of the two cars to meeting at the rear of the two cars). 2. If they travel in the same direction, the bus will catch up with the truck from behind. Ask how many seconds it takes from the front of the bus to catching up with the rear of the truck to leaving the front of the truck at the rear of the bus Solution of univariate first order equation with elementary one

Taking the passenger car as the reference system, the displacement from meeting to all staggering is s = 150 + 250 = 400m. If the freight car speed is V, the relative speed of the freight car to the passenger car is 2V + 4S = (2V + 4) 10. The solution shows that v = 18m / s, the freight car speed is 22m / s, and in the same direction, taking the freight car as the reference system, the displacement from catching up at the front to leaving at the rear is s = 250 + 150 = 400m, and the relative speed is v = 4m / s

The passenger car and the freight car run in the same direction. The passenger car is 150 meters long and the freight car is 250 meters long. If the passenger car speed is twice the freight car speed and less than 20 kilometers, and their passing time is 45 seconds, what are the speeds of the two cars respectively?

45 seconds = 0.0125 hours
150 + 250 = 400m = 0.4km
If the speed of the freight car is x km / h, the speed of the passenger car is 2x-20,
According to the meaning of the question, get the equation: (2x-20-x) × 0.0125=0.4
Solution: x = 52
Speed of passenger car: 52 × 2-20 = 84 (km / h)
A: the speeds of the two cars are 52 km / h and 84 km / h respectively