It takes 23 seconds for a train to pass through a 450 meter long bridge and 8 seconds for a worker standing by the railway. What is the speed and length of the train

It takes 23 seconds for a train to pass through a 450 meter long bridge and 8 seconds for a worker standing by the railway. What is the speed and length of the train

Let the vehicle length be l, the vehicle speed be v.s = 450m, T1 = 23S, T2 = 8s
From the meaning of the question
It can be obtained by substituting the data
V = 30m / S L = 240m

A railway bridge is 1200 meters long. It takes 75 seconds for a train to cross the bridge and 15 seconds for a train to cross a signal pole beside the road

75 seconds is the time for the train to cross the bridge for 1200 meters and get on the bus
15 seconds is the time when the train has passed its own length
When the train has driven 1200 meters, the time is 75-15 = 60 seconds, the train speed is 1200 / 60 = 20 meters / second, and the train length is 20 * 15 = 300 meters
Check it, (1200 + 300) / 20 = 1500 / 20 = 75 seconds. By the way, the speed is 20 meters / second and the length is 300 meters, but did you learn it yourself? Learn to use your brain

A railway bridge is 1200 meters long. It takes 75 seconds for a train to cross the bridge and 15 seconds for a train to cross the first signal pole beside the road. Ask for the speed and length of the train! The train crossing the bridge,

75 seconds is the time for the train to cross the bridge for 1200 meters and get on the bus
15 seconds is the time when the train has passed its own length
When the train has driven 1200 meters, the time is 75-15 = 60 seconds, the train speed is 1200 / 60 = 20 meters / second, and the train length is 20 * 15 = 300 meters
Check it, (1200 + 300) / 20 = 1500 / 20 = 75 seconds. A: the speed is 20 meters / second and the length is 300 meters!

When a train passes through a railway bridge, it takes 30 s from getting on the bridge to crossing the bridge, while the time of the whole train on the bridge is 20 s, if the train speed is 20 meters per second How many meters is the railway bridge and the train

Vehicle length (30x20-20x20) ÷ 2 = 100m
Bridge length 30x20-100 = 500m

When a train passes through a railway bridge, it takes 30s from getting on the bridge to crossing the bridge, while the time of the whole train on the bridge is 20s. If the train speed is 20m / s, the length of the railway bridge is______ m. The conductor is______ m.

The length of railway bridge is XM and the length of railway conductor is YM
x+y=30 × twenty
x−y=20 × twenty ,
y=100 .
Answer: the length of railway bridge is 500m and the length of train is 100m
So the answer is: 500100

A train is 155 meters long and needs to pass through a 745 meter long railway bridge. The train travels 20 meters per second. How long does it take from the front of the train to the rear of the train? To write

(155 + 745) divided by 20 = 45 seconds