As shown in the figure, a railway bridge is 400m long. A person walks on the bridge. When he walks 190m away from the bridge head in front, he finds a train coming in the face. The train speed is 40m / s and the train is 800m away from the bridge head in front. How fast can the person run at least to leave the railway bridge safely?

As shown in the figure, a railway bridge is 400m long. A person walks on the bridge. When he walks 190m away from the bridge head in front, he finds a train coming in the face. The train speed is 40m / s and the train is 800m away from the bridge head in front. How fast can the person run at least to leave the railway bridge safely?

Run forward: ∵ train speed V1 = 40   M / s. The distance between the train and the front bridge head is S1 = 800m. ‡ from the speed formula v = ST: T1 = s1v1 = 800m40 M / S = 20s. ‡ the maximum time for pedestrians to leave the railway bridge safely is T2 = T1 = 20s. ∵ the distance between pedestrians and the front bridge head is 190m, that is, S2 = 190m. ∵ pedestrians leave the railway bridge safely to

A railway bridge is 400m long. A person walks on the bridge. When he walks 190m away from the bridge head in front, he finds a train coming in the face. The speed of the train is 4cm / s and the train is 800m away from the bridge head in front. How fast can the person run at least to leave the railway bridge safely?

190/800/0.04=0.0095 m/s=0.95cm/s

A railway bridge is 400 meters long. A person walks on the railway bridge. When he walks 220 meters away from the bridge head in front, he finds a train coming up at a speed of 40 meters / s. The train is 800 meters away from the bridge head in front. The person can turn and run at a speed of at least () meters / s in order to leave the railway bridge safely Be accurate

Set the speed to v0
The solution is V0 = 6 m / s

On a track, two trains pass each other. If train a is 180 meters long and train B is 160 meters long, and the passing time of the two trains is 1.7 seconds, it is known that train a is 5 meters faster than train B per second, what are the speeds of train a and train B respectively?

A vehicle speed = [(180 + 160) ÷ 1.7 + 5] ÷ 2 = 102.5 M / S
B vehicle speed = [(180 + 160) ÷ 1.7-5] ÷ 2 = 97.5m/s

On the two track railway, two trains cross each other. If train a is 180m long and train B is 160m long, the passing time of two trains is 1.7 seconds. Train a is 5m faster than train B every second On a two track railway, two trains cross each other. If the total length of train a is 180m and the total length of train B is 160m, the passing time of the two trains is 1.7 seconds. It is known that the speed of train a is 5m faster than that of train B, what are the speeds of train a and train B respectively

[(180 + 160) ÷ 1.7 + 5] ÷ 2 = 12.5 M / s, speed of train a
[(180 + 160) ÷ 1.7-5] ÷ 2 = 7.5m/s, speed of train B

On the double track railway, two trains pass head-on. The speed of train a is 20 m / s, the speed of train B is 24 m / s, the length of train a is 180 m, and the length of train B is 172 M. calculate the wrong train

Since the formula for passing is (car length a + car length b) / (car speed a + car speed b) = passing time, the formula is (180 + 172) / (20 + 24) = 8 seconds