Convert radians to angle format Yes - 7 \ 6 π = - 7 \ 6 π × (180 \ π) ° = - 210 ° or - 7 \ 6 π = - 7 \ 6 π × 180\π=-210°

Convert radians to angle format Yes - 7 \ 6 π = - 7 \ 6 π × (180 \ π) ° = - 210 ° or - 7 \ 6 π = - 7 \ 6 π × 180\π=-210°

Radian times 180 / π

As shown in the figure, in ⊙ o, AB is the diameter, CD is the chord, ab ⊥ CD (1) P is What is the size relationship between ∠ cpd and ∠ cob at a point on CAD (not coincident with C and D)? Try to explain the reason; (2) Point P 'at On CD (not coincident with C and D), what is the quantitative relationship between ∠ CP ′ D and ∠ cob? Why?

(1) ∠ cpd = ∠ cob......... (1 point) reason: as shown in the figure, connecting od......... (2 points)

As shown in the figure, in ⊙ o, AB is the diameter, CD is the chord, AB, CD. What is the quantitative relationship between ∠ cpd and ∠ cob when point P is on the inferior arc CD (not coincident with C and D)?

∠ cpd + ∠ cob = 180 °, the proof is as follows:
Namely   ∠COD=2(∠CDP+∠DCP)
∵ ab ⊥ CD,
At △   In CPD, ∠ CDP + ∠ DCP + ∠ cpd = 180 °,

In circle O, AB is the diameter, CD is the chord, AB is vertical, and CD. P is the point on arc CAD (not coincident with C and D). Verification: angle cpd = angle cob

Link OD
AB is the diameter, and ab is perpendicular to the chord CD. According to the vertical diameter theorem, B is the midpoint of the CD arc
∠ cpd corresponds to arc CD, ∠ cob corresponds to arc BC. Arc CD = 2 arc BC, ∠ cob = 1 / 2 ∠ cod
∠ cpd = 1 / 2 ∠ cod (the circumference of the same arc is half of the center angle) ∠ cob = ∠ cpd

As shown in the figure, in ⊙ o, AB is the diameter, CD is the chord, ab ⊥ CD. (1) P is a point on arc CAD (not coincident with C and D). Verification: As shown in the figure, in ⊙ o, AB is the diameter, CD is the chord, ab ⊥ CD. (1) P is a point on arc CAD (not coincident with C and D). Verification: ∠ cpd = ∠ cob. (2) when point P 'is on arc CD (not coincident with C and D), what is the quantitative relationship between ∠ CP'd and ∠ cod? Please prove your conclusion. It's cod, not cob!

(1) set the arc CAD as inferior arc. ≓ ab ⊥ CD, ≔ OBC = ∠ OBD, ≓ ob = OC = OD, ≔ OCB = ∠ OBC = ∠ ODB = ∠ OBD,

As shown in the figure, abcdp is five points on circle O and the angle APB is equal to the angle cpd. What is the relationship between arc AB and the size of arc CD

Arc AB = arc CD
Proof: because angle APB = angle cpd,
So arc AB = arc CD (in the same circle, the arcs with equal circumferential angles are also equal)