Conversion formula of angle and radian?

Conversion formula of angle and radian?

1 radian = 180 / π degree
1 degree = π / 180 radians

Conversion formula of angle and radian Urgent need

1 ° = 2 π / 360 = π / 180 radians
1 radian = (180 / π) °

What is the conversion formula between radian system and angle system?

1 radian = 180 / PAI degrees
1 degree = Pai / 180 radians
When you can't remember, it's like a circle
A circle is 360 degrees, 2pai radians

Angle and radian conversion formula

Angle A1 converts radian A2:
Radian A2 conversion angle A1:

Speed unit conversion: 1m / S = 3.6km/h How did you calculate it

You can count units as numbers
1m / S = 1m / 1s and 1m = 1 / 1000 km 1s = 1 / 3600 H
So 1m / S = 1m / 1s = (1 / 1000km) / (1 / 3600 h) = 3.6km/h

1m ³/ H how many tons is the flow of water? 2m more ³ How to convert what? Is there a formula A few tons of water an hour is more suitable for ordinary villas. Thank you on your knees!

The problem is missing. 1m3 / h water flow is 1t / h water flow. 2m3 water is 2T water. The density of water is 1000kg / m3. 1 cubic meter of water is 1t, 1m ³/ H water flow is 1 ton of water per hour
Generally, the water consumption of ordinary residence is 3.5t, which can be calculated by taking 2m / s according to the pipe diameter DN25 and flow rate
The size of the villa is larger. For general villas, it is recommended to use 4 ~ 5 tons / hour!