In a circle, if the length of an arc is one fifth of the circle, the degree of the center angle of the arc

In a circle, if the length of an arc is one fifth of the circle, the degree of the center angle of the arc

360x5 / 1 = 72 degrees
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If R is the radius of the circle, the arc length is 3 The center angle of the arc of 4R is __

According to the arc length formula: θ= l
4, R is the radius of the circle,
Then the arc length is 3
The center angle of the arc of 4R is 3
So the answer is: 3

If the radius of the circle becomes 3 times of the original and the length of the arc remains unchanged, the center angle of the arc is the same as that of the original arc______ Times

If the radius of the original circle is r, the arc length is l, and the changed center angle is x, the center angle of the original arc is 180L
Then l = x π • 3R
one hundred and eighty
Solution: x = 60L
The central angle of the arc is 1 of the central angle of the original arc
Three times
So the answer is: 1

Given that the radius of the circle is r, the center angle of the arc with arc length of 2 / 3R is equal to

2 / 3 radian
Center angle = arc length / radius

It is known that the radius of the circle is R and the center angle of the circle corresponding to the arc with an arc length of 3 / 4 R is equal to () (the process to be detailed) wo bu hui

Circumference of circle = 2 π R
Therefore, the center angle corresponding to an arc with an arc length of 3R / 4 is equal to [(3R / 4) / (2 π R] * 2 π = 3 / 4
Note that it is radian

What are the radian formulas

This is the conversion relationship between radians and degrees
Because 360 degrees = 2 * 3.14 (radians)
I.e. 180 degrees = 3.14 (radians)
Both sides are equally divided by 3.14180 / 3.14 degrees = 1rad (radian)
Both sides are divided by 180, 1 degree = 3.14/180rad
For example: 3.14 / 6rad = (3.14 / 6) rad * (180 / 3.14) = 180 / 6 = 30 degrees
30 degrees = 30 * (3.14 / 180rad) = 3.14/6rad
Note: 3.14 is pi