The interval of the zero point of function f (x) = 2 to the power of X + 3x is () How to ask for such a? A-2 -1 B 0 1 C -1 0 D1 2

The interval of the zero point of function f (x) = 2 to the power of X + 3x is () How to ask for such a? A-2 -1 B 0 1 C -1 0 D1 2

Now the zeros we are involved in are sign changing zeros, that is, the function values of the two endpoints of the interval where the zeros are located must be positive and negative, so we can find it. To do this question, just bring in the answer in turn. When the symbols of the two endpoints of the interval are different, that is, positive and negative, that option is the answer, so only item C of this question matches

What is the number of zeros of function f (x) = the third power of X - 2x square - x + 2?

Zero points are x = 2,1, - 1. There are 3 in total

The fourth power of X + the third power of 2x + the square of 3x + 2x + 1 Factorization Another question: the fourth power of X + the third power of 2x - the square of 9x - 2x + 8 (factorization)

1. Original formula x ^ 4 + 2x ^ 3 + 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1

The square of negative x 2x is the third power of negative 3x and the fourth power of 4x The square of negative x 2x is the third power of negative 3x and the fourth power of 4x The law of coefficient sign? Absolute value law of coefficient? The law of frequency? Combined with the above, the nth monomial is?

The law of coefficient sign: odd term is positive and even term is negative
The law of absolute value of coefficient: increase successively from 1
The law of frequency: ibid
The nth monomial: a (n) = - 1 ^ n * NX ^ n

(- x quadratic) 3rd power - 3x quadratic (x quartic + 2x-2) (three quarters a sixth power X second power + six fifths a third power X fourth power -0.9ax third power) / three fifths ax ²

Original formula = - x ^ 6-3x ^ 6-6X ³+ 6x ²
=-4x^6-6x ³+ 6x ²
Original formula = (3 / 4) a ^ 6x ²/ (3/5)ax ²+ (6/5)a ³ x^4/(3/5)ax ²- 0.9ax ³/ (3/5)ax ²
=(4/5)a^5+2a ² x ²- (3/2)x

Given the sum of the 5th power of equation (3x + 1) = the 5th power of ax plus the 4th power of BX plus the 3rd power of Cx plus the quadratic power of DX plus ex plus F, find the algebraic formula - A + B-C + D-E + F

(3x + 1)^5 = ax^5 + bx^4 + cx ³ + dx ² + ex + f
Substitute x = - 1 into the above formula to obtain:
(-3 + 1)^5 = -a + b - c + d - e + f
-32 = -a + b - c + d - e + f
-a + b - c + d - e + f = -32