6X5 power - 15x quartic power + 3x3 power - 3x square + X + 1 divided by 3x square, the remainder formula is x + 1 to find the quotient

6X5 power - 15x quartic power + 3x3 power - 3x square + X + 1 divided by 3x square, the remainder formula is x + 1 to find the quotient

Quotient = [[6X5 power - 15x quartic power + 3x3 power - 3x square + X + 1] - (x + 1)] divided by 3x square = 2x ^ 3-5X ^ 2 + 3x-1

It is known that the fourth power of polynomial - 15x + the square of 3x + X + 2 divided by the square of 3x, and the remainder is x + 2. Find the quotient?

(-15x^4+3x ²+ x+2-x-2)÷3x ²
=(-15x^4+3x ²) ÷3x ²
=-5x ²+ one

1. It is known that the division formula is 2x Square-1, the quotient formula is the 3rd power of X + 3x square-2x + 1, and the remainder formula is 2x-3. Find the divided formula?

Divided = divided × Quotient + remainder
=(2x ²- 1)(x ³+ 3x ²- 2x+1)+(2x-3)
=2x^+6x^4-5x ³- x ²+ 4x-4

It is known that the fourth power of (3x + 1) is equal to the fourth power of AX + the third power of ax, plus the second power of ax, plus the third power of a, and x plus the fourth power of A Answer: 500 points

(3x + 1) ^ 4 = 81x ^ 4 + 108x ^ 3 + 54x ^ 2 + 12x + 1 (using binomial expansion)
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It is known that the second power of x minus 3x is equal to - 1. Find the second power of (1) x + 1 / X (2) x + the second power of 1 / X (3) the fourth power of X + the fourth power of 1 / X

From known x ²+ 1 = 3x, i.e. (x) ²+ 1)/x=x+1/x=3 x ²+ 1/x ²= (x+1/x) ²- 2*x*(1/x)=3 ²- 2 = 7 x to the fourth power + 1 / X to the fourth power = (x) ²+ 1/x ²)²- 2=7 ²- 2=47

The square of x plus 3x minus 1 equals 0. What is the power of x plus one fourth of X?

Given x ^ 2 + 3x-1 = 0, find the value of x ^ 4 + 1 / x ^ 4
Divided by X on both sides of the known, we get
If both sides of the above formula are square at the same time, we get
The two sides of the above formula are square at the same time, so we get