What is the minimum positive period of y = SiNx (1 + TaNx * Tan (x / 2))?

What is the minimum positive period of y = SiNx (1 + TaNx * Tan (x / 2))?

Y = SiNx (1 + TaNx * Tan (x / 2)) = SiNx {1 + (SiNx / cosx) * [(1-cosx) / SiNx]} = SiNx [1 + 1 / cosx-1] = SiNx / cosx = TGX. So the minimum period is the minimum period of TGX!

What are the periods of y = Tan π X and y = Cotx TaNx?

Y = Tan π x period T = π / w = π / π = 1
=2cos2x / sin2x = 2cot2x period T = π / w = π / 2

How to prove that the minimum positive period of y = 1-tanx * TaNx / 1 + Tan * Tan is pie?

The title should be as follows: y = [1 - (TaNx) ^ 2] / [1 + (TaNx) ^ 2] then multiply the numerator denominator of the right formula by (cosx) ^ 2 at the same time to get y = [(cosx) ^ 2 - (SiNx) ^ 2] / [(cosx) ^ 2 + (SiNx) ^ 2] = cos2x / 1 = cos2x, and the period of the function y = cosx is t = 2K π + 2 π, K is an integer, then y = cos2x

Function y = TaNx ÷ (1-tan) ² 10) The minimum positive period of is

y=tanx÷(1-tan ² x)=2tanx÷(1-tan ² x)÷2=tan2x/2
The period of y = TaNx is π
So the minimum positive period should be π / 2

Function y = TaNx ÷ (1-tan) ² 10) Minimum positive period of

Because y = TaNx ÷ (1-tan) ² x)=tan(2x)/2
So the minimum positive period is t = π / 2

Find the derivative of y = ln (a ^ 2-x ^ 2)
