Verification: the 13th power of 81 7th power - 27 9th power - 9 can be divided by 45

Verification: the 13th power of 81 7th power - 27 9th power - 9 can be divided by 45

Proof: ∵ 81 ^ 7-27 ^ 9-9 ^ 13 = (9 * 9) ^ 7 - (9 * 3) ^ 9-9 ^ 13
The 13th power of 81 to the seventh power - 27 to the ninth power - 9 can be divided by 45

Try to explain: the seventh power of 81 minus the ninth power of 27 minus the thirteenth power of 9 can be divided by 45;

The result must be an integral multiple of 45 and can be divided by 45

The 2008 derivative of x times e to the power of X

Available higher derivative formulas:
2008 derivative of (Xe ^ x)
=X * (2008 derivative of e ^ x) + 2008 * x '* (2007 derivative of e ^ x)

If the power 0 of (3x + 2y-10) is meaningless and 2x + y = 5, find the values of X and y

According to the meaning of the topic:
Substitute the above formula to obtain:

Given that the x power of 2 = A and the Y power of 2 = B, find the X + y power of 2 + the 3x + 2Y power of 2

=2^x × 2^y+2^3x × 2^2y
=2^x × 2^y+(2^x) ³× (2^y) ², Substitute 2 ^ x = A and 2 ^ y = B
=a × b+a ³× b ²
=ab+a ³ b ²

(Y-5) to the power of 0 = 1 is meaningless, and 3x + 2Y = 10, find the values of X and y Thank you!

Meaningless, so Y-5 = 0, so y = 5, substituted into the following formula, so x = 0